

After looking at your photo you inspired me to change my body. I went back and did a search on your posts and I'm amazed at how dedicated and knowledgable you are about exercise.

I have a question, would you mind very much helping me out a bit after the holidays? I promise not to pester or use up all your time, but I sort of need some help.

In the last year I've gained about 30 pounds. After years of dieting I began trying a new program to teach me to eat naturally and I ended up getting really fat. Mind you, it wasn't on junk food (until the holidays rolled around!! :) ).

I've always been a serious exerciser, but have never seen the results I've looked for. There's something missing in my routines that has messed me up. Motivation, it 'ain't!

Would you mind helping me? You can email me at [email protected] if you wouldn't mind. As I said, I promise not be a pest! :)

Hi Laura! I just emailed you! We'll figure out that missing link together! Take care! Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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