Francine - diet


Hi Francine! I just have to say that your physique looks amazing and I was wondering what type of rotation and nutrition program you follow?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Hope you are having a nice weekend!!
Sara :)
Hi Sara! Thank you for the kind words! I do various rotations as you will see if you check out the rotation list I started to list on the new forums! I really switch it up with plenty of variety! I personally love CTX as is and circuit training! My body responds well to this training and gives me a lean physique!AS for my eating ~I love to eat! I thought the only thing that I didn't like was liver til my DH (chef carson-not a chef but I call him that-he's soo into it especially when he has his amstel in stock) made me a liver marsala sauteed! He tricked me into eating it and it was yummy! Now everything's a GO food wise!Luckily though, I do have good eating habits;)My stomach is on a serious food schedule! It tells me when to eat and I accomadate it by having food on me at all times! I brown bag it to work for my snacks and meals ! I keep a cooler in my car always with a bottle of water when doing errands or shopping! I love oatmeal,fruits,veggies,brown rice,pasta,steak,chicken,seafood to name a few :> !I eat usually 6 x a day spaced out (no less than 5)Typical day with variety- I start off my morning as soon as I wake up with OJ,cup of grean tea, 2 slices or 1(rarely)of 12grain wheat bread with Strawberry jam or I can't believe it's not butter spray (or oatmeal), walk my 3 akitas,then workout and an hour after my workout I'll have a protein shake 20 oz(usually 2 bananas 2 apples with ice cubes), 2 hours later I'll have a nice size bowl of kashi(or omellete or tuna /chicken salad on pita), then I'll have grapes, and handful of almonds for snack 2 hours later(or steamed veggies w/brown rice or a salad 2 hrs before my dinner including lotsa spring mix, lil lettuce(love the yellow parts)carrots,red onions,sundried tomatoes,plum tomatoes,yellow or orange peppers with balsamic vinegar(NJ tomatoes if they are in season)), then onto my dinner filet mignon,baked potato, whole corn and salad,(or pasta dish with meatballs) my pm snack is hot air popcorn-maybe a hot chocolate with skim milk only(that's all I drink) ,or Turkeyhill yogurt-sherbert w/ FF coolwhip, or if DH mad me an apple pie I eat a piece save a piece for during the week and bring the rest to work! We also have a 5lb fryer that my husband will fry food in canola evry blue moon or we hit chi chis(his favorite) fried ice cream(my favorite) I honestly do watch what I eat for 4 days maybe 5(sometime the urge isn't there yet)then have a cheat treat(not a whole day binge) treating me to something I want but if I don't want it I'll do it when I want it and have no guilt because it's not all the time!
In a nutshell! Everything in moderation and meals should be reasonable portions ! Exercise and plan your meals around your activity for the day! Try to include carbs,protein and fats with every meal/snack ! I "personally" lean towards eating more %protein meal's towards the night and eat more carbs throughout the day where my body uses it up as fuel right away and at night my muscles recuperate and repair themselves with my last meal! You should know your BMR and AMR to know how many calories your body needs(are you eating too much or too little)It's better to start healthy eating habits now ! I don't know if you have a particular inquiry about nutrition (how or when to eat) or want to stop eating the wrong things! To simply answer that question when to eat-ask your self-"what will I be doing for the next 2-3 hrs? Fuel yourself for that event,exercise or activity(ex if you are gone to the movies you wouldn't want to eat pasta(high carbs) since you will be doing something sedantary but if you are gonna be working out than up your carbs)!If you are eating the wrong things you'll notice your cravings will diminish and you may find you eat certain things out of habit rather than hunger! Once you start eliminating certain foods your body will get use to not having it! Remember to properly hydrate yourself throughout the day and get a good nights sleep! HTH
Francine - That was so incredibly kind of you to post all of that information!! I am going to print it out (like I did with your rotations) so that I can read it more carefully and take more time soaking it all in!

I am so jealous that you get to work out with Cathe!! Please tell her that Sara from Vegas said hello!!! She might remember who I am from the trade show that she just attended - I just barely missed her!! x(

Anyway, thanks again and have a great workout tomorrow!! I will be getting my intensity series tomorrow afternoon so wish me luck!! :p

Sara :)

Your welcome Sara! There is a reply after your message from JaneP that is All the way at the bottom of the page(don't know how that blacnk space happened?)asking how to find your BMR and AMR
Hey Jane P! you can do a quick estimate on the calculator at this site(other free calculators also available on the internet-do a search for "BMR calculator" and a bunch will pop up with more features for calories,BMI,BMR, AMR etc)
or do the formula below which I use

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