Morning Glories and TGIF!!!!!:D

My DH, DS, FIL and a few others are all going to Great Adventure today and I am going to work. Booh. I could have gone but I only have a couple of v days left and I'd like to try to save them for use around the holidays.

I am taking a rest day today. I am quite sore from last night's work out and tmrw's planned work out in the park after work is going to be killer so I'd prefer not to layer on even MORE doms for it! :eek:

Last night I worked out at home. I took the 2 studio group session work outs being done this month and combined them. Every group work out has 10 exercises in it broken up into 2 timed circuits and each circuit is done usually 3 or 4x, then you get a short break and then you do the second circuit the same way. So what I did was take all of the exercises from both group work outs (so that's 20 total) and did them all, took a break and then did them a second time. The timing breakdown was the same as the normal work out at 20@20/35 but instead of doing 10 different exercises 4x each, I did 20 exercises 2x each. Does that make sense? :confused: Anyway, it was killer and then I followed it up with the normal conditioning of 2 rounds of 8@10/20 with the following groups of exercises: 1) jump lunges, burpees, jump squats and bear crawls 2) skaters and hands on/off the box. Fantastic work out for sure!:D (Sorry for being so long-winded!)

Katie:: Awesome work out! I am not going to be doing the Warrior Dash in August after all b/c I can't get anyone to do it with me. :( I hope you have a great time doing it and can't wait to hear about it!:D Glad you are enjoying Crossfit so much. Oh you read correctly on FB about my work outs. I was just teasing you bc you already knew what I did so I was going to be repeating myself. :p LMFAO at your gutter brain and the phrase "SWING contest"!;) Funny thing is my DH made the same reference y'day when I mentioned it! :D

K, time for me to get a move on. BBL!:cool:
Good morning!!

Thursday's workout was Combat 60 Live. I like it better that the other 60 minute one, but I love the whole set.

Wendy: Sorry to hear that you were in an accident!! I'm glad you & DS are ok. Were you sore this morning? I've heard you can be sore afterwards. I love the pics, thank you for posting the link for me. You look beautiful, fit & strong!! I still don't think I can tolerate all that mud.:confused: My hats off to you Lady!!:D

Katie: Great workout combo, you're getting pretty good at that!;) That's what WOD meant on Zuzka's website but I thought it meant something different in crossfit. That's kinda cool that you have no idea what's coming. Crossfit sounds pretty hard, but not for a warrior like you!! The WD is on 8/10 isn't it? I'll be rooting for you!!
Hi ladies!

Today is a rest day for me. And much needed! I didn't got to Crossfit last night. My knee was aching a bit yesterday and I just do not want to push it right now. The last thing I need is to really injure it before the WD. I made an appointment with a chiropractor to see if he can help provide any relief.

Wiggie: Way to rock Combat 60 Live! I have not tried that one yet. Now i'm eager to give it a shot. Maybe i'll do it tomorrow...with weighted gloves, of course. ;) Awww, thanks for your vote of confidence re: crossfit. It is hard, but not as hard as some of Cathe's stuff. Yep, the WD is on 8/10 and i'm sooooo excited and nervous and excited and nervous. Here's hoping I do not fall on my face more than once. :D

Wendy: Awww, I hate that you had to miss a fun day out with your family. Stupid work. But I hear ya on saving vacation days for the holidays. I always take 2-3 days off around Christmas and just relax. I look forward to those few days all year long. Whew, just reading about your workout makes me tired. ;) Were you still standing at the end? :p;) Super tough stuff!!! I hate that you are not going to be able to do the Warrior Dash. I'll dedicate one of the obstacles to you during my race. ;)
Hey Ladies.

I posted before and lost it :mad: so I'm back to try again....

Y'day was a rest day.

Today after work was the following at the park with my running buddy::

10 swings, single hill repeat x 6
10 swings, single hill repeat w/5 decline push ups at top x 6
10 swings, single hill repeat w/10 burpees at top x 4

BBL for personals...almost time for dinner..burgers, dogs, baked beans, potato salad and french fries! YUM! :D
Fly by for now to report my work out (just finished!)::

Combat 45 Power Kata intervalled with resistance training - I alternated between doing Combat and doing push ups, pull ups, squats and core work during alternating tracks. So during the warm up I did weight work, then I did Combat track 1. During track 2 I did weight work and then I did track 3, etc. The weight work last as long as the Combat track that was playing did. Good stuff. :D

Time for a shower!:cool:
Good morning!

Well ladies, I lied to you. Friday ended up NOT being a rest day. Until I saw Cathe's email, I'd forgotten this past weekend was the RT. I really enjoy working out live with Cathe, so I decided to join in on Friday's first class - Kickboxing and Cardio Core Circuit. It was fun!! And not a complete killer (for which i'm sure the roadtrippers were super grateful). :) Saturday I decided to take Wiggie's suggestion and do Combat 60 Live. Yowza. Now THIS is what i've been waiting for. I think it might be my favorite in the bunch. I don't know if the workout was harder or I was just working harder, but I was dripping sweat and tuckered out by the time I got to the end. As promised, I used my pink boxing gloves for most of the punching combos. ;)

Let's see...yesterday I did Muscle Max. Whew. Tough. I matched Cathe's weight, but missed a few reps here and there (maybe 5-6 total for the workout). That's not including abs. That ab segment is KILLER! I can barely keep up. :confused: This morning I took it down a notch. I started with a 1.5 mile run. I ran the first mile at a 10 minute mile pace (6 mph) and then backed it down to a 12 minute mile pace (5 mph) to take a little stress off my IT band (I also walked .25 miles to warm up). My IT band/knee is already sore, but it did okay during the run. I followed the run with an IT band stretch and Combat: Inner Warrior Strength and Stretch. Love!!! I think i'm really going to like all the "extra" Combat workouts (I previewed them this weekend).

Wendy: Thanks for holding down the fort this weekend. ;) BOO on losing your post on Saturday. I HATE when that happens. It's frustrates me to no end. :mad: Your Saturday dinner sounds delicious! Yummy, yummy! ;) Excellent workouts this weekend. You killed it! I really like the idea of adding weight work to the Combat workouts. It is a little light weight-wise. So, question - Wiggie feel free to jump in here too - do you all prefer ZCut Cardio or ZCut Strength? I'm thinking about getting one, but can't decide. Also, where did you buy your ZCut dvds?
Hello Ladies!;)

Sorry about being MIA, very busy weekend I had DGD, we spent the day with my Aunt Saturday, had people over Sunday, & work was just crazy Friday & Monday!!(today) :confused:

Friday's workout was Lean Legs & ZPS #1, Saturday's was Speed & Agility(JNL) & Sunday's was Upper Body Endurance & later Lower Body Endurance from Pretty Fierce Lean Out. Monday's was Tracy Andersons Mat workout with a rebounding warmup.

Katie: IKWYM about 60 Live, I was tired when I finished & I did not use hand weights, I used my gloves. Good job on your run, good thinking to take it down a notch.;) So you caved on the extra Combat workouts, well that didn't take long!!:p Hmm, ZPC or ZPS? It's kinda a toss up, if ZPC had music I would probably pick it. Way to go adding in those roadtrip workouts!! Warrior Dash watch out!:D

Wendy: Great workouts as usual!!:cool:
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This morning's work out::

20@20/35 of::

Renegade Row R
Floor Bridge
Renegade Row L
SB Roll Out (alternated kneeling and plank positions)
SB Bridge

Then 8@10/20 of::

Squat Jumps
Mountain Climbers on discs


One Arm Swings
Hi gals,

This morning I did PUB. Always a fav of mine. I'm trying to work on my upper body strength because i've heard i'm going to need it for the WD. :eek::eek::eek: I matched Cathe's weight and didn't miss any reps (excluding abs, I always miss reps during abs :eek:). I actually went slightly heavier than Cathe on the pullovers. :D Of course, I know Cathe can go a LOT heavier than what she is using in the DVD. But it still makes me feel like a bad ass. ;):p

Wiggie: What a busy weekend! Glad you survived. ;) Despite your hectic weekend you still managed to sneak in some killer workouts. Great job!!! Haha, yeah I caved on the extra Combat workouts. :eek: I'm such a sucker I know. Hmmm, I still can't decide re: Z-Cut Cardio or Strength. I wanted to get JNL, but can't afford it at the moment. I didn't realize Z-Cut was only $15! Woohoo!!!

Wendy: Way to rock your workout this morning. What a killer combo. Are you sore yet? Because you're probably gonna be. ;):p
Good morning. :)

I took it back up a notch today with To The Max. An excellent sweat fest! :) I've got upper body and legs scheduled for tomorrow, so I skipped the compound legs segment and eliminated most of the upper body from the core section. I swear one of these days i'm actually going to do compound legs. :p

Hope you both are having a great day!
Fly by to report my work out. Personals to come later....

324 kettlebell swings intervalled with pull ups and spider push ups. Did 50 swings at a time with 10 pull ups or 10 spider push ups (alternated them) in between. Final swing set was a 24 count. :)

I'm doing a 10k swing challenge in aug plus the swing for charity event at my job so I needed the practice!;)


I feel like I haven't done personals in ages. :eek:

Katie:: To The Max w/o the compound leg segment AGAIN!? SLACKER!!!!!:p I love pullovers! I haven't done any in a while. Need to change that soon! Congrats in out-lifting Cathe on them! She might be able to lift heavier then in her dvds but the weight she pulls in the dvds isn't for sissies either so don't sell yourself short, young lady! ;) As for weather to buy Z's cardio series or strength series...IDK! :confused: They are both good but her strength tends to have some cardio built into it so it's more of a set that could stand on it's own IMO. I like them both though. :) I hope you like the extra Combat work outs!

Wiggie:: Sounds like you had a nice weekend with your DGD! Great work outs too!

Off to take a cat nap in my car for the rest of my lunch break!

Hi there Foxies!!:cool:

Tuesday's workout was Drill Max & the arm section of TA's Mat workout. I even did the dive bombers pushup section from DM with no problems. :eek:

Katie: I agree with Wendy, don't sell yourself short, matching Cathe earns you bragging rights!!:D Good job on TTM!!

Wendy: Wow, 324 swings? I think you are going to win the challenge!! How was your nap?:p
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Today is the OFFICIAL start of the 10,000 swing challenge! :eek:


325 kettlebell swings intervalled with sets of rear and side sliding lunges....DONE! :D

I think the next set of exercises will be squat curl and squat press! I'm telling you girls so it's written down otherwise I won't remember what I wanted to do! :p

Good morning!! :)

I wasn't feeling all that great yesterday(allergies/sinus) :( so my workout was kinda light. I did the warmup from CrossFire, about 20 minutes of rebounding & the arm section from Tracy A's Mat.

Wendy: 10,000 swings!!:eek: How much time are you given to complete them? I think I'll do them with you or some of them :p, just give me the details.

Hi Katie!!
Hello! :)

Today's workout was a combo: Upper Body Blowout followed by Lower Body Leanout. Both workouts rocked. I do wish the lower body workout included weights at some point, but that's okay. :) I can always add on a short weight segment to really round out the workout. ;)

Wendy: Wow! 10,000 swings. That's an impressive number! How long do you have to get all 10,000? I have a hard time remembering my workout game plan too. If I didn't keep track of it in the workout manager I would never keep my schedule staight! I love pullovers too! It's one of my all time favorite exercises. Hmmm, now i'm not sure which ZCut series to get. Maybe i'll just start with the cardio, and then get strength in a few workouts. Heck, they are only $15 a pop!! Even I can afford that! :p;) Did you order ZCut off Aamzon?

Wiggie: How are you feeling today? Any better? I hate allergy/sinus pain. It's such a downer. Smart to back off a bit and let your body recover. Your light workout still sounds like a goodie. :) I love the Crossfire warmup. It's my go-to warmup segment (like before yoga or stretching when I just need to get my blood flowing a bit). Way to rock those dive bombers pushup in DM! They are soooo tough. You are one strong lady!!:cool:
Hello. :)

The 10,000 swing challenge is 10,000 swings in one month's time (August), and I am going on vacation for the last week so this should be interesting!!!:eek: Anyway, it doesn't matter how you break them up as long as the end results is 10,000 prior to September 1st! Anyone care to join in the fun? ;):p

Wiggie:: My nap was delightful! I was even dreaming! LOL Nice work outs! Sorry you didn't feel good y'day. Hope today is a better day for you! :)

Katie:: Yes, I purchased my Z-Cuts from Amazon. I was disappointed that Lower Body Lean Out didn't have any weights in it too but it's one heck of a routine! I classify it as cardio though. I find it tougher then Shock Plyo HiiT! :eek:


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