This morning's work out looked like this::

High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Pull Ups
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Push Ups
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Tricep Dips
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Mountain Climbers
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Jump Lunges
High Knee Runs
Weighted Leg Press one leg
Weighted Leg Press other leg
Speed Squats
Weighted Leg Presses Only

PS-I signed up for the Super Spartan this morning! EEK!:eek:
Good morning!! ;)

Wednesday's workout was Pump & Burn plus half of the 5th workout from the Addiction set(30 min). Addiction is the heavy bag workout I bought a while ago.

Wendy: I like this mornings workout because I love leg presses!!:p So you signed up for more torture? You are a glutton for punishment!!:D Since you fixed my problems I might reconsider the mud run, if we can find someone to do it with us. DD & I had to drop out because 2 of our team changed their mind.:mad: they only allow teams of 4. ECF is the one that is not live.

Katie: TBT is a workout that I will have to give another chance. I think I wasn't crazy about the music, you know how important that is to me.:p I snack on fruit alot, I've recently started eating unsweetened applesauce. Per WW it has zero points. I've never really liked it before now, but it's one of the things that DH tolerated well. He is now able to eat regular food so I have a ton of it to get rid of, so I have acquired a taste for it.:rolleyes:
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Good morning!

Today's workout was Combat HiiT: Shock Plyo. Not bad, not bad. I followed that with approximately 10 minutes of core work using my 6# medicine ball. Overall, a solid workout this morning.

Wendy: I like this morning's workout too! Like Wiggie, I don't mind, and actually kinda enjoy, weighted leg presses. Boy do they send my heart rate through the roof!! YAY on signing up for the Super Spartan. You've got this, girl! I can't wait to hear all about it. Yeah, i'm going to see how I do on the obstacles during the Warrior Dash before I sign up for a Spartan Sprint. Luckily, hiking, climbing, and trail walking does not hurt my knee like running does, so if I can handle the obstacles hopefully I can handle the Spartan Sprint...hopefully...:eek::eek::eek: I'm definitely going to have to keep my cardio capacity revved because climbing a dang mountain is no easy feat. Is every Spartan Sprint on the side of a mountain? Or just the NJ one?

Wiggie: Ya know, i've been enjoying unsweetened applesauce lately, too. I buy the GoGo Squeeze kid packs (i'm such a dork) and keep 2-3 packs in my desk drawer. I like these packs because the only two ingredients are apple and apple juice concentrate. I'm relieved to hear your DH is doing better. That's excellent news! Nice job with Addiction! I remember you talking about that workout set, but I don't remember it being a heavy bag workout set. I love heavy bag workouts (my Punch classes are all heavy bag workouts). Now I gotta go check it out. ;)
Hi Girls. I'm back!:)

So I worked last night and then the owner/my boss wanted to go over a few things with me. He is going to start giving me 2 PT sessions at once starting this Tuesday to get me used to it (I only did it that one time as an intern so far) and in a couple weeks I will start running as many Saturday group sessions as I can make it to since they usually are the most crowded and he wants me to get comfortable training larger groups then I am currently used to dealing with. His goal is to be able to have me work there alone for more then just an hour at a time so I need to be prepared for whatever comes through the door. He also wants me to consider getting a NASM certification. He said as far as he is concerned it's the best certification out there and if I do it, it will mean an automatic salary raise for me there! I want to do it. I just have to figure out when I am going to find the time to study! :eek::confused::rolleyes: I am going to start saving the cash for it in the meantime...Things are definitely progressing for me there and I am super-excited about it! :D

Katie:: Shock Plyo is definitely a goody. Glad you liked it! Wait until you try the Power HiiT work out though! OMG! You said you don't have the extra discs so you don't have Lower Body Lean Out? Well you need to get it coz it makes Shock Plyo look like a walk in the park! :eek: Nice job adding on the core work afterwards! :) I am considering signing up for a Warrior Dash on Aug 3rd as a "training race" for the Super Spartan. I'm going to ask my DH and/or people at the studio if anyone wants to do it with me. Your race is in August too right?? You got that right about the cardio endurance involved in "mountain climbing"! :eek: I stopped often even if only for a second to catch my breathe a bit. I don't think every single Spartan Race is actually set up on a mountain but they are all set up on some type of incline/hill/etc. I know the one I just did and the next two I am doing take place at a ski resort so side of a mountain it is for me, anyway! LOL

Wiggie:: Glad I fixed your Warrior issues! I actually saw a pic of a gal doing an obstacle course race this morning who had goggles on over her glasses! I guess it's a good idea! :D I am not the biggest fan of leg presses but I figured they were a good way to activate the same muscles in a similar fashion as climbing a steep hill would and that's what I wanted. :)

Good morning!!

Thursday's workout was a workout called Rebound for the Health Of It. I decided I need to use my rebounder more.:rolleyes: It has 3 10-12 minute workouts beginner, Intermediate & advanced, then an abs workout & a cool down.

Wendy: Congrats on all the good things happening at the gym! You certainly deserve it, & it happened so quickly!!:)

Katie: Thanks re DH. Yeah he's doing better, though he still has a long way to go. So you're going to do the WD then the SS? Good luck I know you'll do great!! Now I feel like a slacker!!:D I have got to find something to sign up for!!:D:p
This morning's work out was Combat's Lower Body Lean Out (bonus disc) with a few added "tricks" of my own inserted between tracks again. ;) It looked like this::

10 Renegade Row R
Track #1
10 Renegade Row L
Track #2
10 Perfect Push Up Hand Touch
Track #3
10 One Arm Slide Reach Push Up R
Track #4
10 One Arm Slide Reach Push Up L
10 Standard Push Ups

The only track I didn't do was #5 - the core/abs work. I think I worked the core enough already! :p

TGIF!!!!! I'm so glad Friday is finally here! :eek::eek::eek: I'm ready for the weekend. I'm resting today. Woot woot! I'll probably take the dog for a walk after work, so at least i'll get a little exercise. The humidity and heat have made even short walks almost unbearable this week. :(

Wendy: ENABLER, ENABLER, ENABLER!!! I do NOT need the extra Combat workouts. No! No! No! Ignore the fact that I just ordered them thirty seconds ago. :D:D:D I know I don't need them, but I really want them. :p Shhhh, don't tell my DH. He is going to kick my butt. I just gave him a speech about saving all our extra money to pay off our credit card debt (which really isn't much, I just don't like carrying a balance). I feel so guilty....okay, over that. Now i'm just excited!! Excellent workout this morning. Renegade rows are soooo tough! I can never keep my hips straight down/in line. I always want to turn my body to the side. Something to work on! :) Sounds like the boss is upping the ante at the gym. That's super exciting! 2 simultaneous PT sessions sounds crazy hard but lots of fun. Yep, my Warrior Dash run is in August. August 10th, I think. Man, if we were a wee bit closer we could do a WD together. Dang. Oh well! Make sure to give me the scoop after your WD. ;)

Wiggie: Your rebounder workout sounds like fun!!! Great job lady! :) I might do a Spartan Sprint after the WD. It depends on if I survive the WD. LOL! I'm most nervous about the obstacles simply because i've never done anything like that before. I've been watching YouTube videos from last year's Kentucky WD, and now i'm both more excited and more nervous. :rolleyes::p Why don't you sign up for a WD, too!!!! It would be fun if we all did one "together" (sorta, you know what I mean, lol)!
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Hello Ladies. Happy Saturday! :)

This morning I worked out at the studio with the group.

Tmrw I am planning my first outdoor training work out at the park for the race in September. I'll do some running, some hill climbing and some body weight exercises.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Good Morning Ladies! :)

So as you may or may not have seen on FB already...My DH went out to get himself some beer after dinner last night and comes back with a Junior look-a-like in it! OMG! So cute! My son named him Henry! :) We are tickled pink to have him and my DH is da bomb diggity for surprising us with him!!! :D

Well, that's all for now but I'll be back!:cool:
Hi ladies!!

The Internet is down at work so I'm checking in on my phone. My only workout this weekend was a 2 mile run on Saturday. Of course my IT band flared around the 1 mile mark so I had to walk a few times to let it calm down. :( I'm making up for this weekend's lack-luster performance with a double workout today. This morning I did Intensity (step only premix) + abs + a session with my foam roller. After work I'm going to a Cross Fit class. :D

Wendy - I love love love your pics on Facebook from the Spartan race!! You're such a warrior! And a total bad azz! ;) Awwww, your DH is such a sweetie. I bet your DS is super excited too. Does Junior look-a-like have a name yet? I saw your FB post about your workout in the park yesterday. What an awesome workout!! And I bet it was fun, too. :)

Hi Wiggie!!!!
Hello Ladies!!

I took a rest day Friday, Saturday's workouts wer ZPS #10, #11 & #12.:eek: No not back to back, I spread them out during the day.:p They were Awesome!!:D Sunday's workout was Fire 45.

Katie: That darn IT band!! So is running the only thing that bothers it? Did you have a major injury in the past? Just wondering why it always flares up. How are you liking Crossfit? Have I asked enough questions? :rolleyes::p I really enjoy rebounding, I'll have to do that more often. Thanks re DH.:) The way you workout, you'll handle the WD just fine.:) I don't think they are doing a WD in our area.:(

Wendy: Your DH is so sweet!!:) I can only imagine how excited DS was!! How was the park workout? Sounds like fun!! I had a nice weekend, it didn't rain for a change!!:p
Hey Ladies. :)

Y'day was my training work out in the park as planned. My old running buddy did it with me. It was fun. Running/walking and a few hill repeats mixed in with speed squats, mountain climbers, burpees, dips, leg presses, pull ups, push ups, isometric hold squats, bear crawls, jumping lunges, etc. It took us about 1:20 to complete it. Good stuff. I even have some lower body DOMS from it! :)

We are planning on going back on Saturday after I get out of work at the studio for another round. I think this time we'll do less regular running and more hill repeats though! :eek: Should be wonderfully torturous! ;)

Today is a rest day.

Wiggie:: You go girl! Three Z's in one day!? Nice work! :D You sound like you wanna come do a Spartan race with me? :)

Katie:: Sorry about your IT band. That stinks. :( Our new fuzzy friend's name is Henry. DS named him and yes, he is thrilled! So is the dog, btw! :D Thanks re the Spartan pics. I hate them but I'm still proud of them...if that makes any sense. :confused: Enjoy your Crossfit work out later! :eek:

Lunch is over. Gotta jet!
Happy Tuesday!!:cool:

Monday's workout was Shoulder Shredder, love those JNL workouts!! JNL & Turbo Fire are 2 of my best fitness purchases ever! I've had TF since it was released in 2010 & I'm still not tired of it.

Wendy: I would love to do the Spartan with you:), if we didn't live so far apart!!:p That park workout looks good, is your running buddy going to the spartan with you? How's Henry doing?

Hi Katie!!

Have a great day!!;)
Good morning. :)

As planned, I went to Crossfit after work. The workout went like this:

1. Warmup (bear crawls, bar hangs, wall squats, stretching)
2. Core circuit (20 leg raises holding 35# barbell, 10 roll outs, 25 rocking things - repeat circuit twice)
3. WOD (5 power presses, 5 squats, 200 meter run holding 12/14# medicine ball, 15 wall balls - repeat circuit 5 times).

The workout took approximately 40 minutes. I was breathing heavy by the end. The run holding the medicine ball was killer. I'm going to try to do two doubles a week for the next 3 weeks (leading up to the WD). Let's see if I actually stick with this plan. ;)

This morning I did Combat HiiT Power + 2 tracks from Combat Shock Plyo + 100 rep bicep challenge + 100 rep tricep challenge. Whew. I was shaking by the end of the second shock plyo track. Tough stuff.

Wendy: Yay for the lower body DOMS!!! :) I'm glad Henry is adjusting well. So does Henry get along with the dog? Why in the world do you not like your Spartan pics? Are you kidding me? They are freaking amazing!! You look like such a badass warrior.

Wiggie: Glad you're still loving JNL! I need to check those out again. I remember the workout system got excellent reviews. If only I had a larger fitness budget. :(;) Whew, all those ZPS workouts in one day. You're a beast I say, a beast! :p Yeah, for some reason it is only running that bothers my IT band. Plyo, step, kickboxing, HiiT, Tabata - all good. Well, that's not entirely true. If I do a LOT of high impact in one week I will still feel it a bit in the IT band, but nothing like running. I limp for at least 24 hours after any run over 1 mile. It's so frustrating! I've never injured my knees/legs before. In fact, I never noticed a problem with my IT band until I started training last fall for the Black Cat 5K on Halloween. I used to run in College and high school with no problems. Who bloody knows!
Hi Girls. :)

Overslept AGAIN today so no work out for me this morning. :mad: I am training 2 clients tonight but hopefully after that I'll have some energy left to work out myself. Fingers crossed!

Wiggie:: Great job on your work out! My running buddy is training with me but not doing the Spartan race. I tried to convince her to try a sprint or a Warrior Dash but the obstacles aren't her thing. I'm not done trying to convince her to try it though! :p Henry is doing well. He is sweet but a lot lazier then Junior was. Also doesn't seem to have the taste for table food the way the other one did. We'll fix up him though-give us time! :D

Katie:: Whoa! What a work out this morning! I think you did enough for both of us today! NICE WORK! :) Your crossfit work out sounds tough! I admit to not really knowing what all of the exercises are though! :rolleyes: TY re my Spartan pics but you should see my teammates' pics. THEY look TOUGH. I just look dirty and goofy! LOL :p
Oh my goodness. My core is SORE!!! I don't know what I did to make it so sore, but I wish I did so I could do it again. ;) I'm really feeling my arms, too, from those 100 rep challenges yesterday. Love them puppies!

This morning I did Combat 60. But I skipped the three minutes of core at the end. My abs just couldn't handle it. :rolleyes::p I must admit it wasn't as hard as I expected. I'm trying to punch with as much power as I can. Maybe once I commit the routine to memory I can find a way to up the intensity.

Wendy: Oops re: sleeping in. It happens. ;) Sounds like you made up for it with two awesome workouts!!! The crossfit workout was tough, but not to bad. My sis (who is a regularly crossfitter - is that even a word?) said the intensity varies each class. I was not familiar with many of the exercises either, but the instructor did a nice job of demonstrating each exercise before each circuit. I really like the atmosphere. I'm going to try to go to another class tomorrow after work. Maybe..we'll see how I feel. :)
Happy Hump Day, Ladies. :)

At the risk of boring Katie with a repeat of what she's apparently already read on FB :p ..... I did half of a TR work out last night after I finished training 2 clients (I only did half because it was after 8pm by the time I started working out!:eek:) and then this morning I did Combat HiiT: Shock Plyo minus the floor track at the end.

I am getting another Spartan training work out ready in my head for the park this weekend with my running buddy. This time we will focus on hill repeats and kb swings! My studio is having a swinging contest next month to raise money for charity and I think she's going to do it with me so we need to practice! ;) Should be intense! :eek: I'm trying to talk my DH into the contest as well but he has no idea how to swing a kb so I'd have to teach him. I can surely do that being a trainer and all (LOL :p) but IDK if he's going to be a willing student! :rolleyes: Time will tell!

Katie:: Woo Hoo for intense core doms! Makes me feel like I'm going to break in half at times! It's no joke! So Combat 60 is too easy huh? :eek: Show off!:p Shock Plyo nearly killed me today! :eek: My legs are sore and tired since my park work out on Sunday. Plyo is NOT what they had in mind this morning! LOL

I think that's it for me for now!:cool:
Good morning!!

DH had a Dr. appointment after work that was an hour away, so no workout Tuesday. Wednesday's workout was Tone it up from Slim Series. I think I'll be doing this with Combat. I can't find my Combat calendar, so I'll just do whichever one I feel like.:rolleyes:

Katie: Enjoy your DOMS!! One of the things that gives me core doms is when I do a lot of regular pushups. The tricep pushups don't. I usually hold 2 pound weights when I do any kickbox video. The exception would be if I've just done upper body weight work. Crossfit sounds intense!! What does WOD mean again? I forgot!:confused: It's funny that you called me a beast, my DD tells her friends the same thing.:p

Wendy:Oversleeping is good, you need the rest lady!! You are one busy bee.:p Good luck with the swinging contest. I don't use my KB's enough.:eek: Your running buddy just might change her mind about the spartan if she hangs with you long enough.:p A lady at work invited me to do bootcamp with her, the only problem is they meet at 5am before work!:eek: You know how I feel about early morning exercise.:rolleyes: I told her to check & see if I could pay for just a couple of classes to check it out. I would love to see your SS pics. Do I have to join facebook to see them?

Have a great day!!:cool:
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Hey Ladies.

Not a good morning for me. Got in a car accident while taking my DS to camp this morning. Luckily it wasn't really my fault. Kind of an unavoidable chain-reaction but my poor car! :( I am home today coz I didn't feel comfortable driving it. Tmrw I will be able to take my DH's car to work though.

This morning before my day went downhill I did 5 mins of 2 handed kb swings with my 40# bell. I got in 138 swings. I am training for a charity swing challenge that my boss is holding at the studio next month. :) Tonight I was going to go to the studio to work out with the group but I can't now b/c of my car so I will do the work out at home later. I can do all but one exercise with the equipment I have here. YAY! :)

Wiggie, I have tried but can not figure out how to post the Spartan pics here. :confused: I can walk you through finding them on the site if you want....I think you can get the combat work out calendar on the BB website if you want it or I could scan it for you and email to you. :) I can work out at 5am but I am not leaving the house to do it! I give you credit if you attend a 5am BC class!:eek: I got up a few times to hit the TM at the gym around 5am so I could get home to my son before my DH left for work. It was brutal. Much prefer the rolling out of bed and working out in my pj's at home thing. ;):p

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Hi gals!

This morning I did Combat 30 Live + the floorwork from B&G (including the bonus glute squeeze segment). I enjoyed both workouts immensely. :) I may hit up Crossfit again after work. As of now i'm playing it by ear. I don't want to overtrain, but I do want to push hard for the next 2-3 weeks leading up to the Warrior Dash. After that i'm taking a much needed active recovery week.

Wiggie: Great job with your workout last night!!! WOD = work of the day. Crossfit coined the term (I think) because each day there is a WOD. The crossfit gym I go to breaks class down into three segments: (1) warmup, (2) exercise focus (usually focusing on one exercise - form and mastering the move), and (3) WOD. Yay, i'm glad you're going to do Combat with us, too!!!! I'm so glad I got the series. I agree that using 2 pound weights would really up the intensity. I'm going to take your advice. :)

Wendy: Whoops! Sometimes I can't keep straight what I read on FB and what I read on here. :eek::rolleyes: My bad dude. :p A swinging contest, huh? I won't even tell what initially went through my head when I read that. :D:p;) I know, I know...vacating the gutter. Are your legs feeling any better? Yeah, shock plyo will definitely give your legs a beating. That's one tough workout. I can't wait to get the scoop on your Saturday Spartan training workout. I know it is going to be insane!! :)

ETA: OMG Wendy!!!! I'm so glad you are okay!! Is DS okay, too? Car accidents are scary and awful and nerve-racking and horrible! Is your car a total loss? Smart move to come home. You need to just rest and relax. (((HUGS)))
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