Hi ladies,

This morning I tortured myself with S90 - Tabata Inferno. It's still a solid workout. I'm happy my Cathe hiatus is almost over, though, because i'm ready to hit it hard with Cathe's tabata workouts (which I prefer over Tabata Inferno).

Wiggie: Nice workout this morning! I like how you added on the extra upper body work along with those crazy, insane tricep pushups. ;) Yeah, I am enjoying S90. The workouts are shorter (45 minutes or less) but still effective. I've been sore (to some degree) almost every day for the past two weeks. It's been a nice change, but i'm ready to get back to Cathe AND to try out Combat. I'm already planning a 30 day Combat rotation losely following the Ultimate Warrior Hybrid Calendar. As I mentioned, I didn't get the extra strength/stretch/core DVDs, so i'm substituting Cathe and S90 some days. It's gonna be awesome! :eek::eek::eek:
Hola Chicas! :) (that's for Cathe since she is in Hawaii with her boys right now! Lucky Lady! :D)

I did Z Cut Strength #5 this morning. One of the best ones yet. Kicked my azz! I am already sore!!!! :eek: Of course, I made a few changes to some of the moves ;) but they were only modifications. I didn't completely change anything....

1) leg press - she does 20 reps holding 2 db's and alternating legs. I did 10 reps left and then 10 reps right and I held one heavy db at shoulder height on side of non-working leg.

2) renegade row - I didn't change it but I know I messed it up by doing too many push ups, not enough reps, too many reps....LOL :p

3) elevated lunge - I did 10 reps per leg instead of 5. :eek:

4) db swings - I did kb swings and went a lot heavier.

I think that was it!

Ok, so tmrw will be my last work out before I hit the mountain on Saturday for the Spartan Sprint! :eek::eek::eek: I hope I survive!:confused: There are 4 of us going and I think we are all going to stay together during the race so that we can provide support and help each other, etc. Or probably more like so the guys can help me and the other girl! LOL I am the only total newbie to the race though so actually maybe they should all just help ME! :p:D

Katie:: Great job with Tabata Inferno and sticking to S90 in general! :) You will have to tell me how you like Crossfit so I can tell my boss! :p Thanks for the Melting Pot review. I still want to go! :) I think we can all get through a Combat rotation together if we agree that we don't have to follow it verbatim. If we all do a loose version of any Combat rotation we choose to do, that will work for me! :)

Wiggie:: Nice job on your work outs! I can't believe you added extra reps!:eek:...Oh wait! Yes, I can! I do it too! I just did it this morning! LOL :p I am enjoying the Z Cut Strengths more each time a do a new work out. Definitely worth the $! Ty re the work outs I create but sometimes my brain gets tired and I just don't wanna think that much! :p Hence the beauty of work out dvds! ;) Modifying a dvd takes less thought then creating your own work out from scratch!

That's all for now!
Good morning!!:cool:

Wednesday's workout was ZPC #10. I tried to do #11 but only finished the first round. I then put Fire 30 in & stopped halfway through. Working out in the evenings after a 10 or 11 hour shift is normal, but I guess I just didn't have the energy yesterday.:eek:

Wendy: I liked #5 too, I also used a KB. I've done the same in other workouts that had kettlebell like moves. Good luck on the SS!! I am excited & can't wait to hear all about it. I know you'll do great!! I am loving all of Z's workouts. I always wanted to do them but the computer thing wasn't convenient for me. I hope she's working on more.

Katie: Still no Cathe?:p Good job on sticking with S90. Has Combat arrived yet? I am going to continue with the pushup challenge, are you still joining me? If you put 100 pushup challenge in the search engine it will come up so you can get the details. I noticed you said great workout this morning. Nope not happening.:eek::p I still just don't feel like working out that early!:eek::D In my defense, I get to work between 6 & 7am!:eek:
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It's almost Friday. Thank goodness. I need my rest day! ;)

This morning I did S90 - legs + 100 rep challenge - hip thrusts. I used to like the S90 leg workout. This morning it just irritated me. Dunno why, lol!! The workout moves quickly but not rapidly. With legs I prefer to slow it down and really concentrate on both form and getting deep into the muscle. I need my Cathe!!!! :eek::rolleyes::p

Wendy: Um, it looks like you were modifying to make ZCut #5 to make it harder. I modify to make workouts easier. You're such a warrior! :) Have fun this weekend! Push hard, be safe, and kick some azz!!!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the race. My warrior dash race isn't until August, but i'm already getting nervous. I guess I should try to run a little bit before the race...or not, I may just wing it. :D Combat is scheduled to arrive Saturday so i'm going to start a 30 day rotation on Sunday. I'm going to loosely follow the Ultimate Warrior Hybrid Calendar adding in a little more weight work and some stretching/yoga. I'm soooo excited. I've been wanting Combat for ever and ever and ever.

Wiggie: Holy crap woman! You worked out AFTER a 10/11 hour workday? Wow, that's freaking awesome and only slightly insane. :p;) Ya know i'm kidding. I'm just so impressed! When I work long days (which is rare), I usually go home and immediately crash. Hey, if I had to be at work between 6 and 7 am, I wouldn't workout in the morning either. Luckily for me, I don't have to leave for work until 7:45 am, so if i'm working out by 5:45/6:00 i'm usually good to go. I was starting to flake on the tricep pushup challenge, but i'm going to try and be brave here and give it a shot. I'll start on Saturday. If I make it to Sunday i'll be impressed with myself. :D
Hey Girls. :)

Okay so Tuesday night I went to bed way late and managed to get up the next morning and work out anyway but last night I go to bed at a good time, get good sleep and can't convince myself to get out of bed and work out this morning! WTH!? :confused: :rolleyes: Needless to say this could be a forced rest day unless I'm not working tonight. Time will tell!

BTW, my azz is super sore from y'day's Z work out! Oh My! I love it! ;)

Katie:: Yes, good point. I guess "modifications" was the wrong term for what I did to that Z work out. LOL So I would have to say that I probably will NOT be joining you on Sunday to start the Combat rotation as I will likely be in traction from the race :p BUT the very next work out I do after that will be the official start of the rotation! I promise! :D I will probably also loosely follow the Combat rotation that you are. So I need to check out the Warrior Dash and see what that one is like compared to what I am doing. I am told the race I am doing is not about running b/c it's on a mountain so it's all up up uphill and therefore very difficult if not impossible to run between obstacles! This actually makes me happy coz this way I won't feel like a slacker for walking!:p

Wiggie:: Nice job on your work outs! You are killin' em! :D I was looking at Z's website last night. I'm itchin' to try some of the new ones. There are so many though that it's hard to choose. I will have to use them as some of my strength work during the Combat rotation! Are you in on that with Katie and I btw? :) I rarely follow a dvd work out anymore. Even with the Z-cuts, I preview the moves and then pause the dvd on the screen that lists the moves and go for it on my own. I can't recall the last dvd that I truly worked out with....hmmm...??? :confused: I keep saying I am going to throw some more dvds back in but I haven't for the most part. I guess I am happy doing what I am doing. I suppose the Combat rotation will force me though! lol

Good Morning and TGIF!!!:D

So I ended up working out last night at the studio. It was a new work out and for now I prefer to do it once before I run it. Worked out especially well since I slept through my usual morning work out y'day. :rolleyes: Oh and go figure-today is a rest day and I was awake at 5am and out of bed at 5:15! WTH!?! UGH!:mad:

So we got our start time for tmrw's race....12:45! We are meeting at the studio (there are 4 of us going) and taking one car. It should take about 2 hours to get out there so the intention is to arrive about 90 minutes before the start time. It shouldn't take more then 2 hours to complete so I should be back home laying on my couch with multiple ice packs by 6pm! :D:p

I am taking advantage of this race and doing some "carb loading". I will be making no holds barred baked ziti tonight. No whole wheat pasta. No low fat cheese! My DH will be in heaven! :) Then tmrw night we are having pizza at my suggestion/request! Sunday it's back to business though! ;)

Ok, time for a shower.
Happy Friday!!:D

Thursday's workout was ZPS #8, I was going to do #9 but the storm started & pretty much lasted all night. Lots of flooding here.:confused:

Wendy: Good luck with the race! I don't blame you for carb loading, you will probably burn all that off & more!!:p Re Combat rotation, I'm in!!
Katie: You are Queen of the 100 rep challenge:D, Good job!! I think you got irritated because you miss Cathe.:) Actually me working out after 10 or 11 hours is not really amazing, though I appreciate the compliment, I do it 5 days a week.:) Re the pushup challenge, no worries.:D
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Well, I did it! It was scary, exciting, nerve-wracking, tough as nails but fun!:D

The course was 5 miles long. They literally had you climb up to the top of a ski mountain on foot! It was one incredibly steep hill after another and it was rough! If you weren't navigating steep hills then you were navigating trails in the woods that were muddy, slippery, rocky and hilly. And THAT was just to get to the obstacles!!! I am going to attempt to remember all of the obstacles though they will not be in any particular order....

-Climb over a short wall (4 feet)
-Crawl under a wall (space at bottom)
-Climb through a wall (holes in middle)
-Javelin throw
-Log walk (several "stumps" in a line that you had to traverse with out falling off of)
-Go down a big water slide into a body of water and swim to the other side. There were a couple of floating "obstacles" you had to swim under along the way as well.
-Monkey bars (hand over hand across a set of bars)
-2 different army crawls under barbed wire through mud(ground was hard and rocky under mud.)
-Reverse slanted wall climb
-Dragging a heavy cement block that was attatched to a chain a certain distance.
-Carrying a sandbag (20# or 40#) up one of the super steep hills mentioned above and back down. THEN you still had to go back up to continue the race!
-Rolling mud pits (like 5 or 6 of them) (wade through very muddy water with small hills to climb up and down in between)
-Pulling a rope to get a heavy cement block up in the air and back down again.
-Cargo net climb.
-Lateral wall climb. (like rock climbing only on a wall and going right to left)
-Rope climb.
-Slanted wall climb (rope attached to help you pull yourself up).
-Tall wall climb (7 feet)
-Face "Gladiators" with "weapons" trying to keep you from getting to the finish line.
-Jump over fire.

There were a few obstacles I tried but just couldn't do and one at the end that I didn't even try coz I knew it was a lost cause (lol).

I am planning on signing up for another one in NY when it comes back around! One of the guys I went with y'day is entering a longer one in NJ in Sept that he did last year but he said it's miserably tough (and longer) so IDK if I want to go there....YET!;)
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Hi ladies!!!

Combat arrived on Friday. Woot woot!! Saturday was sooo busy that I didn't get a chance to preview Combat until late that evening. So I opted Saturday for a Cathe workout (FINALLY) - STS Total Body. Candidly my workout was a little spastic. My DH had friends over so I couldn't workout in my nomal space and my stuff was all over the place. Plus I had food in the oven so I had to stop 2-3 times to check on it. And, my poor forearms muscle just couldn't handle all the heavy weight. I recall twice where my forearm muscles failed before the primary muscle group I was working. :confused::rolleyes:

Anyway, I did my first Combat workout on Sunday (Combat 30 followed by abs) and loooooved it!! It was so much fun. I was sweating like crazy by the end. These workouts seem to have a high fun factor, which is exactly what i'm looking for right now. This morning I did HiiT: Power. It was interesting and very different. I thought the workout really kicked it up a notch about half way through. Those end burpees are no joke!!

ALL: I have a general question - how many calories do you all eat a day? Just on average. I'm trying to do a mini-cleanse this week. I'm cutting my calories down quite a bit (1300/day) and am trying to eat all clean, whole foods (no processed, no sweets). I've been eating sweets like crazy lately and it's making me feel awful. I can't sustain a 1300 calorie/day diet, so i'm trying to find a happy medium: low enough to lose weight (I don't mind losing slowly) but high enough that I don't feel starved out of my mind. You are both educated, fit, gorgeous woman and i'd love your thoughts. :)

Wendy: Well hello there Spartan Warrior!!!!! I hear you kicked some major Spartan bootay. Wow, the race sounds crazy intense. I'm so glad you survived! Not that I had any worries, of course. ;):p How are you feeling today? Sore in places you never expected? :D:p I hope you rested up yesterday because after that insaneness i'm sure you needed a day off! I'm going to mimic you and carb load before the Warrior Dash. I love carbs!!!

Wiggie: Okay, now you're making me feel like a slacker. I only work 7.5-8 hours a day. and I complain about that. :D But I do work hard when i'm at work. Usually.... (ignore the fact that i'm at work now but playing around on :rolleyes::p). Big thumbs DOWN on the rain/flooding. Has the flooding affected your home at all? It's finally drying up around here.
Hello Ladies.:)

Katie:: I haven't counted calories in quite some time but I can say that the last time I did, I was using 1500 as my low end for weight loss. I was zig-zagging at the time...I think the lowest I ever got while counting was around 1400 and that's when I was doing Slim Series which is the only reason I was able to handle it I think. I never counted the calories I was taking in while on WW b/c I figured ignorance was bliss!:p Plus the fact, the entire reason I tried WW was because I was SICK of counting calories so why the heck would I do both, right?? :confused: So glad you LOVE Combat! :DI plan to to start tmrw...I was supposed to start this morning but I barely slept last night so I didn't wake up in time. :( Then I planned on working out tonight but it turns out that the studio needs me to work instead so IDT a work out is in the cards for me today. Probably better off considering I'm running on fumes right now....:rolleyes: Thanks re the race! I was sore but not as bad as I thought I'd be! Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time falling back to sleep because I was uncomfortable. That was the worst of it though....

Hi Wiggie! :)

So I must be outta my mind but I am very close to signing up for the Super Spartan which is the next distance up from a Sprint! :eek: It's the one in NJ in September that I almost signed up for first (by accident). I want the bragging rights baby! ;)

Ok, off to take a cat nap in my car before I pass out at my desk!:rolleyes:

BBL or ITAM!:cool:
Good afternoon Ladies!!;)

I got home late Friday, so no workout for me.:rolleyes: Saturday's was ZPC #11 & #12, Sunday's was ZPS #9 & my pushups, I planned to do another one but DD & DGD stopped by.:)

Wendy: Congrats on doing so well on your first SS!! It sounds very much like the mud run I mentioned earlier. I'm glad now that we had to drop out, I don't think I'll sign up for that again. I'm not sure I want to get that muddy.:p You must have really enjoyed it to sign up for it again, & the next one is harder!!:eek: In my opinion, you've already earned bragging rights Girlie!! Way to go!!

Katie: I knew you would like Combat!:D That HIIT workout is different, fun but tough. Luckily we have had no damage form the frequent storms we're having right now. I have never actually counted calories. Before I found WW I usually went low carb to lose weight. In fact, I started eating low carb Saturday & will continue for the rest of the week, maybe next week too. My version of low carb is fruit, veggies & meat, still sort of watching my portions. When I eat this way I stay fuller longer & just naturally eat less. No, I don't think you're a slacker at all, I wish my schedule was more like yours!!:)
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Good morning Ladies!!;)

Monday's workout was STS Total Body, I was in the mood for heavy weights. This is still a favorite. :)

Have a great day!!:cool:
Good Morning.:)

This morning was a basic circuit of pushing, pulling, squatting and swinging...10 of each x 6 rounds! Intended to do a Combat work out but I slept too late. :rolleyes: There's always tmrw...I hope!:confused:

Worked last night at the studio and working again tonight and tmrw. I'm hoping I can work out instead of working on Thursday night but we'll see what happens! Definitely going Saturday morning to get my butt whooped along with the group though! :D

BBL for personals! :cool:
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Good morning!

Today's workout was Combat 45. It was fun, but I didn't find it quite as challenging as Combat 30. Odd, I know. But that's okay. It's nice to have a mix of slightly harder and slightly easier workouts. Plus I can also add intensity by doing the workout with my 12 ounce pink boxing gloves. :D Really I just like wearing the silly things.

Wendy: Whew, you are one busy gal! Any chance training can become your full-time job soon? Hehe, I don't think you're crazy to sign up for the Super Spartan. If you can handle the race, then by all means GO FOR IT! I know it would kill me for sure. ;) But i'm a wee bit wimpy when it comes to running. I hate counting calories too. I go through phases where I will count for awhile and then stop counting. I try to keep my calories around 1500, but lately I think i've been shooting way past that. I'm going to try to keep track for 2 weeks just so I can troubleshoot, spot my weakness, etc. But I don't think the 1300 cals/day thing is gonna work. I was soooo hungry last night I had to eat something before bed. My stomach was hurting. :confused:

Wiggie: Way to rock STS Total Body. That's one tough workout. It about took me out on Saturday. :eek::rolleyes::p Did you have a good visit with DD and DGD? I'm sure spending time with them is always a nice treat. Thanks for the info re: eating low carb. I'm going to try to lower my carbs a bit, too. Carbs are a double-edged sword for me. The help me feel full in the moment but don't keep me full very long.
Katie:: Nice job on Combat 45. I'll have to pay attn. to the difference between the 30 and 45 work outs when I do them to see if I feel 45 is easier as well. I'm sure you look fabulous in the pink boxing gloves! I think you should take a pic of yourself "in action" with those gloves on for us! :) The Spartan races are not about running...well, not for me anyway. I barely ran at all. I jogged the tiniest bit and that was it. The terrain was too rough for me to worry about speed. There were plenty who were running past me on the trails though and they scared me every time! IDK how they did it w/o bustin' their azz or making someone else fall and bust theirs!!!:eek: As it was I fell a couple of times without anyone else's help!!!:rolleyes: Nope, LOL, too soon for the studio to be a FT job yet but that's the ultimate goal! Just have to be patient! Good things come to those who wait!;) Try using fruit to fill up the empty space in your stomach while you are doing the low cal thing. When I am hungry for an extra snack I always eat fruit and it never seems to do me any harm!

Wiggie:: OMG I thought the mud was one of the FUN parts of the race! LOL It's really the mud that is keeping you from signing up again?? Come on! Be a kid again! :D I actually don't think I was ever THAT covered in mud as a kid even! LOL It was great! I didn't have a clean spot on me from the tops of my shoulders to the tips of my toes towards the end!:p Thanks re the kudos for completing the race. I'm pretty proud of myself. I was definitely out of my comfort zone!!!!!:eek:
This morning I did 4 tracks from Combat Kickstart with resistance training inserted in between...looked like this:

Track 1
10 squat with single arm over head press R
Repeat other side
Track 2
10 Goblet squat with 2 arm overhead press
Track 3
10 Renegade Row R
Repeat on L
Track 5 (I think)
10 Slide Reach Push Up R
Repeat on L

BBL for personals!:cool:
Hi gals!

Today's workout was TBT: Total Body Express premix. I've never done this particular premix before, but I liked it! Basically you do one round of each triset (instead of 2 rounds like you do in the normal workout) for all body parts (legs, back/bis, chest/shoulders/tris). It only took about 48 minutes, but I feel like I got a great workout!

Wendy: Yay, another Combat queen is in the ring. ;) Was it weird to workout to a DVD? It's been so long for you. :) Next time I break out the pink boxing gloves i'll get DH to take a picture. Be prepared for a wacky hair-do and no makeup, though. I look a little scary when I workout..:D Okay, now you've got me intrigued to try a Spartan Race. It's the running part that scares me with most of these races because of my stupid IT band/knee problem. I can hike, climb, fall, pull, and push all day long. Well, not all day but for a few hours at least. ;) I'm going to see how the Warrior Dash does in August. If I survive, i'm going to seriously consider a Spartan race. Thanks for the tip re: snacking on fruit. I used it last night actually. I was hungry after dinner so I ate a slice of watermelon. Yum! If i'm really hungry I have to make sure to eat a protein or carb with the fruit; otherwise, the acid in the fruit makes my stomach hurt. Can I be a little more complicated? Good grief! :rolleyes::p

Wiggie: I must admit it's the mud i'm looking forward to the most in the Warrior Dash. :D I'm a kid at heart. ;)
Good morning!! :cool:

Tuesday's workout was Extreme Cardio Fighter, I wanted to do an hour for a change.:rolleyes: Re the mud, it's funny that you both think that's the fun part.:p I don't mind my body getting muddy, but my hair & glasses getting muddy I would hate. :confused:
Katie:: The Spartans take place on the side of a mountain! Running is not mandatory! I barely ran at all when I did it. Between the vertical hill climbing and the rough trails, there wasn't much in the way of terrain that I felt safe enough to run on so if you can "hike, climb, fall, pull, and push all day long" then I think a Spartan is most definitely a race that you should try REGARDLESS (sp?) of how you do on the Warrior Dash...unless your issue is with the obstacles then that could be a different story....:)

Wiggie:: Wear goggles over your glasses and a bathing/swimming cap and your problems are solved! ;) Nice work out! Is ECF the live work out or the other long one that's not live? I can't remember...

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