Good morning!!:cool:

Well I've completed the first week of Meso 2 & really enjoyed it! Loved the rests, & surprisingly have some DOMS in pretty much my entire lower body & my tris!!:eek:

Wendy: I think Meso 2 is my fave also. Set up is easy & weight selections are easy to manage. I hope NASM is going well. Sounds like you needed that rest day.;) What did you cook?
TT Wk 1 Day 2 work out was this 18 minute goody this morning::

Lunge Jumps (I subbed in reverse alt lunges) - 20 on 10 off x 2 rounds
Spiderman Push Ups - 20 on 10 off x 4 rounds
Lunge Jumps (I subbed in reverse alt lunges) - 20 on 10 off x 2 rounds
Total Body Extensions - 20 on 10 off x 6 rounds
Decline Push Ups - 20 on 10 off x 4 rounds
Total Body Extensions - 20 on 10 off x 6 rounds
Jumping Jacks - 20 on 10 off x 4 rounds
Diagonal Front Alternating Lunges - 20 on 10 off x 4 rounds
Jumping Jacks - 20 on 10 off x 4 rounds
Hi ladies!

Here's yesterday's CrossFit workout:

Warm Up: 3 Rounds:
5 burpee
5 muscle clean
5 front squats
5 push press

partner banded distraction/PNF front rack

Skill: Front Squat (1x3). We were trying to determine our 3 Rep Max. My prior 1RM was 105 pounds. Yesterday, I was able to do 105 pounds for 3 reps; my new 1RM is now 115# (I tried to do 3 reps of 115#, but couldn't handle it). I'm just happy to see improvement!! :)

WOD: 21-15-9 of
Wall Ball (14#)
Pull Ups (went down a band on the last round, woohoo!)
Thrusters (35#)
Box Jumps (20 inches)
KBS (26#)

Today is my rest day, so no workout. :)

Wiggie: Daaaang. That's one long work day! Were you able to take a few cat naps? What's the weather like down there? Did it get bad?? Be safe!!! Meso 2 is my favorite, too. :) High five on having DOMS! That's always a good sign.

Wendy: What yummy eats are you cooking up over there? :) Being sore is always a good reason to take a rest day. I've been sore in my chest and biceps...neither of which is a muscle group I directly worked this work. :rolleyes::p My body is nuts. Thanks for the link to the TT workouts!! I'll definitely bookmark that for my Ukraine trip.
Hello! :)

This morning I went on a 4 mile run (40 minutes) and then finished up with stability ball abs and stretching. Overall, I was very pleased with my workout.

So, yesterday I signed up for the Run The Bluegrass 7 mile race on March 29th. I don't know if I'm insane or motivated. All I know is that it's time to get out of my comfort zone. I'm going to start an eight week training schedule where I run 3 times a week with one long run per week. Here's hoping my IT band can handle all the running! :)

Enjoy your weekends, lady!!
Today's work out...:eek:

TT Week 1 Day 3 Bodyweight Workout # 11

Bodyweight Supersets

superset #1
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move onto
superset 2.

1A Lateral Jump + Push-Up-20 reps (10 jumps per side each with a push-up)
1B Bodysaw-15 reps

superset #2
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move to superset 3.

1A Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated-15 reps per side
1B Elevated Pushups-8 reps per side

superset #3
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between supersets.

1A 1-Leg Deadlift-15 reps per side
1B Mountain Climber-20 reps per side

Then I did this....

optional abs Workout # 3

The metabolic abs Density Circuit

Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting only when needed...

1A Chinup w/Knee-up (5)
1B Alternating Lateral Lunge (10/side)
1C Stability Ball Jackknife Pushup Combo (10)
1D Jumping Jacks (20)
1E Side Plank w/Leg Raise (5/side)

ETA--OMG I did the wrong work out! I did day 3 of week 11 not 1! No wonder why it was so much harder! LOL Oh well, I will wear it as a badge of honor and move on...but I am not skipping the work out I was supposed to do either! I'll do it on Monday! :)

ETA #2--OMG OMG I did the wrong work out for Day 2 as well! LMAO!
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