I'm back! :)

I did the first metabolic workout from DROP TWO DRESS SIZES and it went like this::

15@30/30 of prisoner squats, squat thrusts, reverse lunges, prone hand touches and kb swings.

It was challenging but not overly taxing. Exactly what I was looking for!

The warm up for these workouts are long! Between all of the rolling and stretches I was warming up for about 30 minutes to do a 15 min work out! Of course that included reading time too so I knew what I was doing. A little time consuming but considering I am supposed to be doing yoga regularly and haven't been :eek:...I'll take it! ;)
Good Morning. :)

My son has a delayed opening this morning so if I am staying home with him I will exercise in a bit. If he can go over his friends house until school starts so I can get my arse to work on time, I'm calling it a rest day so...
Stay tuned....:p

Friday Detox Weigh In Results:: :D Started this on Monday. Scale is already down 3.6#! :D

Yesterday at CrossFit we started with 3 rounds of: crab walk; 3 muscle cleans; 3 front squats; 3 push press; and 3 good mornings. I used a 35# barbell for this part. After that, we did 5x1 of: 1 power clean; 3 front squats; 1 push jerk; and 1 split jerk. Going through all the moves equaled 1 "rep". I used a 55# barbell for this. Finally, the WOD was 3 RFT (rounds for time) of: 500 meter row; 12 deadlifts (105#); and 21 box jumps (20 inch box). I was proud of my DL weight. It was tough, but I did it. :)

Weekly Weigh-in: I finally got the nerve to get on the scale this morning, and i'm pleased!! Now, keep in mind my scale is wonky, and I can't always trust the numbers I see. But I weighed myself three times over a 35 minute period and the numbers were all within 1 pound. I'm counting the middle number as my "official" weigh-in. ;) I'm down 2-3 pounds from where I was in December, so i'm thrilled. I think cleaning up my diet and adding in extra cardio (running) has helped.

Wendy: Wow, girl!!! Congrats on the scale success. That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you. :) A 30 minute warm-up sure is long, but if you are getting some stretching/yoga benefits it's worth it! It's so nice to have a challenging but not killer workout every once in awhile. Great job! I vote for a rest day today...but that's because Friday is almost always my rest day. :eek::eek: Got any special V-Day plans today/tonight?
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Ok, today was supposed to be a rest day but my son has a delayed opening at school and I couldn't find anyone who was available to watch him and get him to school for me so since I had the extra time I did the next TT work out. :)

5 @ 20/40 for each set of exercises with 1 min rest between each set.

set #1: jumping jacks, squats, t-push ups, squat jumps, prisoner lunges.
set #2: push ups, prisoner squats, in and out abs (they call them squat thrusts), duck unders, burpees.
set #3: seal jumps, spiderman climbs, tgu's, side steps, run in place.
set #4: split shuffle, side to side jumps, side plank r, side plank l, total body extension.
set #5: side step, close grip push ups, lateral lunges, mountain climbers, seal jumps.

BBL with personals!:cool:
Happy(belated)Valentines Day!! :rolleyes:

Tuesday's workout was X10 Fat Burning Circuit & RockOut KnockOut. Not all of it, about half of each. I really couldn't decide what I wanted to do. :eek: That was my last workout this week & today is Saturday.:eek: The ice storm was so bad I pretty much have been at work the whole week, just got back home Friday evening. The weather is beautiful today, no sign of what we just endured. Many people still don't have electricity. We got lucky, our power never went out. My Valentine's present arrived on V day. I will finish Meso 2 then I will start P90X3. I've previewd several of the dvds & I am loving what I'm seeing.:D I'm really going to try to stick to the rotation. :rolleyes: Congrats to both of you re your success at the scale. :) I'm not going to weigh until I finish Meso 2 for reasons I've mentioned before.:confused: We are celebrating V day today & are out of town, I have X3 with me & will probably try one of the no equipment workouts tonight. What did you guys do for V day?

Katie: P90X & P90X3 don't use alot of equipment, X2 has more.(I don't have X2). Will you have internet when you go to the UK? I hope so, I would really miss you.:(

Wendy: I have to agree with Katie re the detox.:p Almost everything I love isn't allowed. So what are you eating? Did you buy Drop Two Sizes dvd set or the book?
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Hello again!!:rolleyes:

Sunday's workout was M2 disc 22 C,S &T, chased by M2 disc 24 B & B.:eek: I had to play catch up!!;) Hope you Ladies are having a great weekend, are you off for the holiday tomorrow? I am & I can't even tell you how happy that makes me.:D :)
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Good Morning. :)

I am off today as well. Yay!

No work outs over the weekend. Just too busy to fit it in. I was disappointed but I survived. I will definitely work out today!;)

Wiggie:: I am eating non-processed foods and lots of them! Fresh/frozen veggies, fruit, lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, nut butters, etc! The recipes are delicious so it's not so bad! Also helps that it's working so it's worth it! ;) You got P90X3 for V-day!?!? OMG so jealous!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear your reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D My V-day consisted of studying for my NASM cert. Talk about romance, right!? :rolleyes: LOL

Katie:: Congrats on the scale victory! You rock!:D
Good morning!

Sadly i'm at work today. Boooooooo! Saturday I went on a 4.5 mile run. My longest distance to date. :) Sunday I did Pyramid Upper Body and I am super sore today! I sure love that workout. I decided to be brave and do the abs section at the end (I usually do it right after the warm-up). FAIL! My arms were so tired and shaky that I only could do half of the inverted ab rolls. After falling off my ball I decided to just do ball exchanges instead. ;) I matched Cathe's weight except: (I) I went slightly heavier on the pullovers and (II) I changed the shoulder exercises from rear delts; side laterals; front laterals to rear delts; side/front laterals alternating; overhead press. Of course I went heavier on the overhead press.

This morning I attempted another run. That STUPID BLACK DOG was loose AGAIN in my neighborhood. Frankly it was so dark I didn't even see him until my dog started to whine. Luckily I had a flash light and mace (which I didn't have to use) so I just slowly walked back towards my house until the dog was out of sight. I walk my dog all the time in my neighborhood and I run in the evenings/weekends and that dumb black dog is never running loose unless it is 6:00 in the morning and dark as heck. Okay, rant over. Anyway, I ran a few loops right next to my house and got up to 2 miles. I then went inside and did abs and stretching. At least it wasn't a wasted morning.

Wendy: No workouts all weekend? Daaaang. Are you sick? :p;) Just kidding. It happens!! How is the NASM studying going? It sounds like you had a, um, lovely(?) Valentine's Day. ;):p I saw on FB that you got a new hair do. It looks fabulous!! Is your hair naturally dark or light? Mine is just plain old red. Can't do nothing with it. Congrats on the scale victory, too!! I'm really glad the detox plan is working for you. Your dedication is inspiring!

Wiggie: Wow, what a work week! Enjoy your day off today! Rest, rest rest! I'm very glad to hear you did not lose power. Are there still a lot people without power in your neck of the woods? I think the winter weather is finally starting to dissipate around here. It's warming up to 50 degrees this week plus rain. I'm hoping the warmer temps/rain will melt some of the ice and snow. I'm tried of ice skating everywhere I go! :) I love your X10 + Rockout Knockout combo. I really like RK, but it doesn't quite get my heart rate up enough. But, pairing it with X10 sounds like it would do the trick. Are you feeling sore today after your STS marathon yesterday? :p;)
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Yesterday's work out.....
TT 18 minute bodyweight workout::
4@10/20 - Single Arm Elevated Push Ups
8@10/20 - Total Body Extensions
8@10/20 - Side Planks ...
4@10/20 - Jumping Jacks
8@10/20 - Running in Place but I subbed in Speed Squats.
4@10/20 - Spiderman Climb

Then I also did the optional bonus that was listed...
The Take Away Challenge:
10 reps of any squat and any push up...then 9...8...7...until you get to 1 of each. I chose goblet squats and 2 hand elevated push ups on an upside down bosu.

I was going to work out this morning but I woke up in the middle of the night not feeling well. It kept me up a while so I slept in this morning. Feeling Ok now thank goodness except for DOMS!

Hi ladies!

No workout for me yet, but i'm planning on going to CrossFit after work. I've got crazy intense DOMS from PUB. My back, biceps, and chest are killing me. :eek::eek::eek: I'm secretly thrilled. Yes, i'm aware i'm a fitness geek for saying that. :p;)

Wendy: Single arms push-ups???? Yikes! I'd have to buy a nose guard because i'm sure I would face plant repeatedly. :eek::rolleyes: I'm on the DOMS train with you, girl. :) Middle-of-the-night sickness is the worst. I hope you're feeling better this morning! Definitely take it easy today.

Yesterday's Crossfit workout started with 3 rounds of: 20 jumping jacks; 10 band pull apart; 10 pancakes; 10 band pass throughs; and 5 kips. After that we did 15-12-9-12-15 of Kettlebell swings (26#), box jumps, and Toes-To-Bar (TTB). I sucked at TTBs yesterday. :mad: After that we rested 5 minutes, then did 30 pull-ups and 30 dips. I did ALL the pull-ups using a harder band. I've been using the purple band (which is the easiest). Yesterday I used the black band. I'm so proud of myself! One of my fitness goals for this year was to start using a harder band.

This morning I went on a 2.5 mile run. My pace was a little slower than normal - closer to a 11 minute mile - but that's okay! It happens. :)
Hey Girls.

This morning I did TT Wk 3 Day 3::

6@10/20 Bulgarian Split Squat
4@10/20 Spiderman Climb w/Vertical Reach
6@10/20 Alternating Lateral Lunge (I used a band on ankles here)
4@10/20 Inchworm
4@10/20 Jumping Jacks

Katie:: Great job on using a tougher band for pull ups! You rock! I think your goal for 2014 should be to be able to do a certain number of UNASSISTED pull ups!:) I didn't do 1 arm push ups the other day. What I meant was one arm on the floor and one arm elevated. Sorry to burst your wonder woman image of me! LOL :p
Hi Peeps. :)

This morning I did an optional TT work out::

Ladder Circuit of Goblet Squats (I did these weighted), Close Stance Push Ups and Skaters. 8 of each exercise (16 for skaters to get 8 per leg), then 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and then go back up 2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Minimal rest/as needed only. Took me 17 mins to complete. :) I used 30# for squats on way down the ladder and dropped to 25# on way up.
Hello! :)

Here's yesterday's Crossfit workout:

Warm Up:
20 spidy
20 stripper
20 OHS
20 pass through
20 good mornings

pigeon/banded shoulder

Skill: Snatch Technique (5x1) - 5 sets: Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS (I used a 35# barbell - to me, snatch and overhead squats are the hardest lifts. I'm still working on building up my weight).

10 wall ball (14# ball)
60 Single Jump Ropes

I can't quite remember how many rounds I did during the WOD, but I think it was like 7-8. I pushed hard! :)

Friday Weigh-In: I only weighed myself once this morning and i'm a few tenths of a pound lighter than I was last week. Woohoo!! I'm especially happy considering I went on a cookie binge earlier this week. :eek: My sinuses/allergies have really been bothering me and I got the bright idea that cookies would make me feel better. :D

Wendy: Great job with your workouts!! Don't worry, my wonder woman image of you remains fully intact. You impressive me every single day with your workouts, especially considering how busy you are these days. Oh the thought of doing even ONE unassisted pull-up both frightens and thrills me. That will be my goal for 2015. ;)
This morning's work out was TT Wk 4 Day 1...
5@30/15 of all::
1) Prisoner Squat, Alt Lateral Lunge (I used blue band on ankles), T Push Up, Total Body Ext, Mtn Clmbrs.
~1 min rest~
2) Lateral Jumps, Alt Reverse Lunges, Narrow Stance Push Ups, Body Weight Squats (I used weight here), Spdrmn Climb.
~1 min rest~
3) Split Stance Squat R (I used weight on these), Split Stance Squat L, Jumping Jacks, Alt Elevated Push Ups, Bodysaw.
~1 min rest~
4) Lunge Jumps, Ice Skaters, Decline Push Ups (on upside down Bosu), Prisoner Reverse Lunges, Total Body Extensions.
~1 min rest~
5) Burpees, Lateral Split Shuffle (used grn band), X-Body Mnt Clmbr, Diagonal Forward Lunge, Run in Place (I subbed in squat jumps)

Friday Weigh - In:: Scale up .4 BUT BF down .6! Happy Girl here!!! :D

Katie:: So now they have you stripping at Cross Fit!?!? :eek::eek::eek:;):p If you think of me as Wonder Woman, then I think of YOU as The Black Widow from The Avengers!!!!:) She'd kick Wonder Woman's azz any day!;)
Hello Ladies!

I just realized I haven't posted since Sunday.:eek: My workouts went like this;

Mon- Accelerator, Dynamix & X3 Yoga

Tue- STS Disc 23 Legs(finished Meso 2, yay!)

Wed- CVX

Thu- HIIT 15, MMX

Fri- PRO from Aerobox

The workouts you don't recognize are from X3, I decided to start the rotation with the transition week since I'm supposed to rest this week. ;) Congrats to both of you re your success at the scale & your doms, you Guys rock!! I consider you the Dynamic Duo!! :D I will join that party in the next week or two.

Katie:Congrats on your pull ups & your run !! :) Your hard work is really paying off. :) Re the sinus problems, hope you're feeling better. Cookies work for me.:p Most people had their power back within 4 days. To my surprise I didn't have much doms from doing two discs back to back, & I went heavy.(at least heavy for me:p) Speaking of doms, I am having a lot of it in my core!:confused:

Wendy: Great workouts Girlie! ;) Glad your illness was so brief. Waking up sick in the middle of the night, not fun!:mad:
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I'm back!:rolleyes:

Later I did a PowerFit workout called Power Up. It's more of a beginner workout doing a step workout with no step, just a band to step across. I used an 8 inch step. It was only 20 minutes.

Have a great weekend!!:)
Good Morning Ladies. :)

Yesterday was an active rest day for me. I did some foam rolling and stretching and then we went ice skating. FUN!

Today I will work out. TT Wk 4 Day 2....The itch to do something different is getting stronger....considered blowing off the last couple TT work outs but I'm trying really hard to resist the temptation. I can do this!:p

I'll be back later!:cool:
Today was TT week 3 Day 2::

Bodyweight Bootcamp 3 circuit workout::
do each circuit 2 x thru with one min rest at end of each circuit. do each move for 30 secs. no rest between moves. only between circuits.
1) Prisoner squat for 30 secs
2) T push ups for 30 secs
3) Ice Skaters for 30 secs
4) Diag Lunges for 30 secs
5) Squat Shuffle for 30 secs
Rest for a min and repeat, then move on to next circuit below...

1) Burpee for 30 secs
2) Switch Lunge Jumps for 30 secs
3) X Body Mntn Climber for 30 secs
Rest for a min and repeat, then move on to next circuit below...

1) Narrow Stance Push Up for 30 secs
2) Narrow Stance Squats for 30 secs
3) Inchworm for 30 secs
4) Split Shuffle for 30 secs
5) Squat Thrust for 30 secs
Rest for a min and repeat.

Then I did this optional 10 min Bodyweight Conditioning Workout::
1) Jump Squats for 4@10/20
2) Mntn Climbr Push Ups for 4@10/20
3) Split Stance Jumps alternating R-L for 4@10/20
4) Burpees for 4@10/20
5) Jacks for 4@10/20See More
Hi gals!

Here is Friday's Crossfit workout:

3 Rounds:
5 wall squat
7 pancake
9 pass through

2 Rounds (light weight - I used 35#):
5 muscle clean
5 front squat
5 good morning

EMOMx10 - Max strict pull-up + 30 double under. I'm still working on my double unders. I think strung a grand total of 2 Double Unders together on Friday. Which is a record for me. :D:eek::rolleyes:

WOD: 20 min up ladder of: 1 power clean (65#), 3 pull-ups, 3 dips. For the ladder we added 1 power clean and 3 pullups/dips each round. I think I got through 8 rounds.

My upper back was soooo sore on Saturday! I calculated that I did almost 150 pull-ups during Friday's workout.

Saturday I went on a 4.5 mile run, Sunday was my rest day, and this morning I went on a 2.5 mile run. I'm also planning on hitting up CrossFit today after work. I've got my 7 mile race in just over a month, so I've got to start increasing my distance on my long weekend run. Yikes!!

Wiggie: Well hello there little lady! :) Congrats on finishing Meso 2!! You're one tough cookie! Um, yeah, I don't see much "resting" in last week's workout schedule. :p;) I don't really blame you, though. It's hard to resist a new workout system! So have you formed an opinion yet regarding P90x3?

Wendy: How many TT workouts do you have left?? You've done such a great job sticking to the schedule. Don't stop now! :) Yesterday's Bodyweight Bootcamp workout definitely made it on my "bodyweight only" workout list. What a fun yet intense workout! Great job!! Ice skating sounds like a blast! My sister and I took her kids (3 and 7 years of age) ice skating last weekend. Epic. Failure. The 3 year old wouldn't even put on the skates and the 7 year old, no matter how hard he tried, just couldn't seem to figure out how to balance. :rolleyes: Oh my goodness I would LOVE to be the Black Widow!! Actually, if I had to pick I would be Hawkeye from the Avengers. Or maybe Iron Man. Nah, who am I kidding...I would be Thor's WIFE! :D
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