Found Cathe Weighted Gloves!


Finally found a place to by 2 lb Cathe Gloves. I found the best price at but on their website they are of of stock, so I called one of their reatail store listed on their website and they took my order over phone and I recieved them today. So if you are looking for the gloves you may want to try calling:
701-255-7255. The person on the phone was very nice.
What would you use the weighted gloves for other than the weights and plates ab workout?

They can come in handy for weight work. Like if you want to increase your weight on your smaller muscle groups, then 1 lb. increments will be highly useful. Many times on shoulder work, for instance, a 5 lb. jump is way too much, but going from 15lbs. to 16 or 17 makes all the difference.

Also many people like to use them for kickboxing workouts to increase the intensity.


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