Found a great new workout song....


for those of you who like it loud and hard. Has anyone else caught the new Korn single?? Heard it on the radio today and thought it would make a great lifting song, or a great uphill ride on the spin bike. Kinda funny that is how I hear music now....can I use it at the gym?? Also stumbled across another new cd by a band called Hurt. Itunes is so great for discovering new stuff...

Hey Laura! The cd that the single comes fron came out in Dec. of last year. I just started hearing it on the radio here in Az....the cd is See You On The Other Side, and the song is "Coming Ondone". I put in on my idpod the other day, but haven't has a chance to try it out yet. I was never a big Korn fan, but what an awesome song!! Take care,

Donna -

Don't know if you're a Pantera fan, but for me Damageplan's single of "Breathing New Life" is a wonderfully motivating uphill song for me. (as far as running) Just a suggestion. It REALLY gets me going when I feel like I have no energy.:)
Thanks Laura...I have a couple Pantera tunes on my ipod...Walk and Rise. Love them....gonna go check out "Breathing New Life right now...My husband thinks I'm nuts....but my workout music has to be LOUD and HEAVY. Thanks so much for the suggestion.

Laura...oooh I love the couple of songs I just previewed, looks like I need a new Itunes gift card for myself. Thanks again!
"My husband thinks I'm nuts....but my workout music has to be LOUD and HEAVY."

Donna - that's exactly how I feel! I think it helps me run faster and gives me more energy!:) }(

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