Forum's Missing?


Hi All ~

I think I might be going crazy? I know I can't keep up with all the forums, postings & changes on the new Cathe Nation - but I could have sworn there used to be a forum for questions about the new tools? Workout manager/nutrition site, etc?? I feel like each time I get started with any of these gadgets I get stuck, & I'm getting so frutsrated. I just want to track my food.... it seems like there are so many passwords - I apparently forgot mine. So now I have a password (auto generated) that is about 20 characters long & I can't figure out how to change it?

Where is my help button when I need it?
Does anyone know?

helllppp plleease!

If you are talking about the support forums, they are still there at the bottom. You have to be on the main page to see them.
To change password, go up to the top to the second light blue bar (just under the picture of Cathe and the words "The Cathe Nation Forums) and you will see User CP. Click on that and go down the left side to Settings and Options...below that you will see edit password (I think it edit something and password but you will see it).

Thanks for your help! I can't believe how bad I am at getting around this site! You'd never believe I work in computers & VERRY familiar with websites :( Frustrating, but I will keep at it. Thanks for your help! I found both the password change and the support forum.... Must have been a slow brain day :(

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