Forum Questions

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! It would be so very helpful and time saving for me if all general fitness questions which are not directed at me to be asked in either the video/questions forum or open discussion forum. I certainly am not discouraging anyone from giving their thoughts or sharing their experiences with any questions that are asked of me in the "ask Cathe" forum. I'm just trying to save time by avoiding having to sort through and find the questions that are directed at me. Thanks so much for helping me out. Please continue to enjoy using the forums :).
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-01 AT 07:01AM (Est)[/font][p]Oh are such a taskmaster!!
:) Trevor :-jumpy
gee, Cathe,

Don't you have time on your hands? You're not busy are you? ;-)
Hope you're having fun working on our--I mean your--new videos!
Wendy :)
We promise to be good, honest! We like to keep you happy!;-)
Too Funny!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-01 AT 07:51AM (Est)[/font][p]I know you are all joking with your cute replies, but now you have me thinking:-hmmm!

Gosh, I sure hope that I didn't give off a "scolding" tone to anyone. That DEFINITELY was not my intention and I really do apologize if it was taken that way. I just thought that it would make things a little easier, honest;-)!
We earned a scolding

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-01 AT 01:27PM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe, we've been sloppy & the gentle reminder was deserved. We truly value your availability & advice. We certainly don't want to misuse your time.
Don't make me laugh...

YOU? SCOLDING? Never! I don't even get mad at you while doing Leaner Legs! You are always the sweetest and we certainly don't mind helping you out. Goodness knows you help us's time to return a favor or two thousand.
RE: Too Funny!

We KNOW you are busy, and we really appreciate your personal attention. We didn't think you were scolding. The only time I REALLY don't like you is when I'm doing those stinkin' Crazy Eights!!!!!!!!;-)

You're very professional and you run a good, top notch company.
RE: Too Funny!

Just having a little fun with you Cathe.;-) I had too much time on my hands the other day.....I was home with Brandon and he was napping. So.....I was up to no good on your site!! Part of what makes this site so special to me is the fact that I feel like I can joke around a bit with the people here and you are no exception!! Being accessible and down to earth with your fans really makes you stand out Cathe. Thanks for that. :)
And....of course anything you need from us that we can do to make managing this easier on you....consider it done. :)
Finally....congrats on your forthcoming videos. I will have to get these on DVD!
Trevor :) :-jumpy

I think you worded it VERY FRIENDLY! I know everyone was just joking with you. Now, here we all are posting another thread that you HAVE to take the time to READ!! Hee-Hee! Just joking with you. Thanks for your reminder to us all. Sometimes, we need that gentle reminder. THANKS for your kindess to us all! Quit reading this and get busy on those vids!!! ;-) Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Cathe!

Crackin the whip now are ya? Just you wait.....I'll get you back. Let me go rewrite the leg workout to include a final set of 100 Low Ends (heeeeeee he he he a witches laugh)
RE: Too Funny!

Hey Cathe!
Brandon has been really doing well. He had a cold recently but is over it now. He weighs almost 13 pounds now....90th percentile for his age according to the pediatrician.(9 weeks) And he has become a Beatles fan! I have taken to rocking him to sleep with the Beatles One album He LUVS it! And I must say....I dont know how we survived our first son's diaper changes without a "diaper genie"!!! Absolutely the greatest invention in the history of diaper changing I think. :) I am wasting more of your time with non fitness stuff so I will stop here. Thanks for asking about're a sweetheart! :) bout an "Intervalmax--the Sequel" where you take us thru 20 killer intervals?!! Whaddya think? ;-)
I just knew...

...she'd get us in the END!!!! I don't think ANYTHING tops "low-ends"! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Glad to see you're raising that kid right.....

....on Beatles music!!! I'm on of the few on this sight who can remember the Beatles when they were on the Ed Sullivan show! They remain the best, in my humble opinion. Groovy!!!! I also remember Eleanor Roosevelt's margarine commercial. I'm gettin' OLD!!!!! :-wow
Add... to the list HB. I was sitting in my cousin's living room watching the Beatle's the very 1st. time they were on the Ed Sullivan show. We were in AWE! Of course, my Mom & Aunt were rolling there eyes at their loooong hair! :-rollen. Where they the COOLEST, or what? Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Cathe!

Hi ,Cathe.
I was really mad when I posted.
JUST KIDDING! Of course we were joking with you! I think the reminder you gave was needed--just wanted to join that bad boy Trevor in giving you a hard time. We'll take that punishment happily, though--although I'm not sure I'll make it past the first 75 low ends.;-)
Debbies right, get off the net!

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