Form Pointers By Exercise


Hi Cathe: :)

I'm lovin all the great & friendly posts here as usual.
Great bunch of people here. I'm wondering when you'll be posting the streaming videos for your Form Pointers by Exercise, where we click a muscle group in the diagram and then choose the exercise we want demonstrated. It says "Coming Soon" but it's been there for a while. I know you're real busy with work, us, and the family, but FPBE will be really helpful I think when you get it up and ready. How's the little one btw? Best wishes and keep up the great work!

Max G
Hi Max! Someone actually asked the same question not too long ago.

We are going to wait until we get into our new facitity to create and broadcast these form pointers as well as other special features. We will have our own recording studio in the new place and therefore it just makes more sense (and saves us quite a bit of money) to do the filming of this project in our own facility. Thanks for asking :)!

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