Forearm Fatigue



Dear Cathe,

Thank you so much for your PS series. I love these tapes because I can keep improving my strength by increasing my weights, and don't have to run out and by a bunch of new tapes for my new fitness level. The problem I'm having is with my biceps and forearms. I want to build huge biceps, and so far I've seen positive results and have been able to increase my weights with no problem. Now I've hit a wall and I'm clueless what to do about it. Since the last time I increased my weights for my biceps, (about two months ago) I have yet to complete a set with the barbell without decreasing the weight. My forearms fatigue long before my biceps, and at the end of the workout my biceps don't feel like they have been worked well at all. I can do the seated curls with a heavier weight, but the barbell has been a real struggle. I've tried decresing the dumbells to what they were before to allow more strength for the barbell curls, but even that doesn't help. It seems no matter what I try, I'm stuck when it comes to bicep curls whith the barbell. The pain in my forearms also goes away very fast and it doesn't seem like they are getting any stronger. My form seems to be the same as before and I can't think of anything it would be other then wimpy forearms. Could there be something in my form that I'm not seeing or are my forearms just wimpy. CATHE - HELP! What can I do to keep my forearms from ruining my workout?
Hi Crystal!

The forearms giving out before you fully exhaust your biceps is actually a pretty common problem. Here are some things you can try to get around this. Train your forearms separately for about 10 minutes two times per week. You can use a barbell or dumbells and do wrist curls with medium weight. You can use both a palm facing up and a palm facing down hand position. I usually go for time rather than reps on this exercise. I just do continuous wrist curls until I feel a good heat sensation in the forearms. I do three rounds like this with one grip and then three rounds with the other grip.

Another thing to help breakthough a strength plateau for biceps is to work negatives. You will need a spotter on this one. Here is what I do to help break the plateau: As the last exercise in my bicep workout, I will use the preacher bench with a barbell and do as many curls as I can with the selected weight. Then when I can't lift another rep, I have the spotter help me lift the weight up and then I lower it down as slowly as I can(may take around 15 seconds to lower). Then they help pull it to the top and again I slowly lower it down. I do about 7 assisted reps on top of my usual set. This really burns and gets me so sore for the next few days.

If you don't have a partner or a preacher bench, you can spot yourself during seated concentration curls. Just do as many reps as you can with your weight, and then when you can't lift another rep, take your other hand to assist the weight to the top. Then take the helping hand away and let your working arm slowly lower the weight. Do as many reps as you can do with good form.

Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Thanks Cathe, I'm looking forward to putting your advise to work!

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