? for you Catheholics...


I am doing several Cathes tapes
Circuit Max
Cardio Kicks
The Intensity Series - except the pyrimids
Power Hour

What is the difference between Circuit Max, Bootcamp, and Cardio & Weights? Are they all considered circuit training - weight intervals? Do they acheive the same thing? I am trying to acheive muscle endurance to slim down my body and not build muscle but lengthen and tone my body with defined lines. Advice is greatly appreciated!

[email protected]
Circuit Max is definitly cardio oriented. You can do Circuit Max on Monday, for example, and then heavy lifting on Tuesday because the reps aren't high and the poundage is light. Boot Camp is supposed to boost your overall endurance because it constantly changes focus. It might only have you doing squats for a minute, but that one minute tries to put a lot of resistance on your muscles. Boot Camp, again uses light weight and/or moderate reps so you can do a heavy lifting tape the day before or after. Cardio and Weights involves heavier lifting and the cardio intervals are at a lower intensity, more steady state aerobics as oppposed to intervals. Again, this workout shifts your focus from cardio, to compound exercise (working the upper and lower body at the same time), to moderate/heavy weight training. You can go lighter and do single count reps when Cathe and the gang do a 2-2 count. I am glad to see you're doing PH also as this is wonderful for promoting endurance gains. Hope this helps!

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