RE: For those who are married or living with an SO...ho...
Candi - it's funny, but when the poop is your own child's, it's not quite so nasty. I was never bothered by messy diapers. Even if her poop got on my hands while I was changing it, I washed it off, but never got freaked. I also don't get bothered about her snot if it gets on me. Oh...and as far as getting your husband to change a diaper, you'll pretty much have to nudge him. Seems that most of them just drag their heels on doing it so that you get so sick of waiting, you do it yourself.
My BIL is an exception to this. He's very involved in the mundane parts of being a father. Maybe it's because he and my SIL had so much trouble getting their children (they had to do it through in-vitro on both boys), so he's been very involved from before they were born.
MY DH would be more involved in a lot of the stuff with our daughter if she would let him. If I'm around, she wants me to take care of her. She won't let him give her a bath, even though he's way better at it than I am. He plays with her while she's bathing. I clean the sink, do my nails, read a book...I suppose if he had to do it every time, he'd get as bored with it as I do.