For Those of You Who Download Workouts


How the heck do you work out on such a small screen, esp for cardio? I love the idea, but I like to watch the crew when I'm working out and although I can completely see taking a downloaded strength workout to the gym with you, what about step routines and such?

I'm a weee bit behind the times, as you can see!
I have only done the HIIT on my I phone and some ab stuff. I am going to take sts to the gym tomorrow tho and do it there. I have to watch the steps if I am new to the workout but you can get the cord and attach it to the tv.
How the heck do you work out on such a small screen, esp for cardio? I love the idea, but I like to watch the crew when I'm working out and although I can completely see taking a downloaded strength workout to the gym with you, what about step routines and such?

I'm a weee bit behind the times, as you can see!

You really don't watch the workouts on your Ipod, though you certainly can. You just connect or play your iPod/iPhone to a TV and watch the downloads just as you would if you were using DVDs. You can think of your iPod as just a miniature DVD player.

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