For those of us that that develop muscle easy


on the lower half. I love to lift weights but I am struggling with looking bulky when I do so I am cutting out lifting weights for my lower half and want to incorporate more cardio to lean out my lower half. I was wondering if you could maybe put a rotation in for us that have this problem or if you have any rotations that you could point us to that come close and what we could tweek.

I was thinking something like this what do you think?

Mon- 50 Minute STeady State run - with 5 minute warm up brisk walk and 5 minute cool down- something from AB Hits

tues- Intense Step workout- triceps and biceps

wed- 60 minutes recumbent bike- something from AB hits

Thurs- Bootcamp or Kickboxing- shoulders

Fri- 60 minutes Elliptical- ab hits

sat- Circuit workout

sun - off

Thank you for any and all input

"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich
I always thought I was one that got bulky in the lower body, but realized it was poor attention to diet and not enough intense cardio keeping my lower body from leaning out.

So I incorporate spinning two to three times per week, its tough! Plus a few itreads-I do the walking parts, and one of Cathe's step workouts, along with a few sessions on the elliptical.
I keep my weights challenging and my reps range from 15-10 for my lower body. I do alot of stationary lunges as well. Its been working for me. Plus, the diet I follow has alot more protein than I used to eat.

This maybe does not answer your question, just telling you what I am doing for my own problem lower body!
Tneah - I have been meaning to find that other post to ask another question, but haven't done it yet - and since you mentioned spinning above, this is easier! (and Beth, maybe something for you to consider). On the Spinervals, is it straight biking or do you take time for squats, etc. It shows something like that in the preview, but doesn't show actual clips of the workout, so I'm curious. Thanks!
Hi Shana,

Actually alot of the workouts include getting off the bike to do squats and lunges for a few minutes. Sometimes I participate, other times, I crank up the resistance and "climb".

My favorite Spinervals: Lean and Mean...Enter the Red Zone...Sweating Buckets (he does not give tension numbers in this older workout though), Time Trials..hard workout...and my favorite..Big Gear Strength...he has you doing single leg drills on the bike which I really like.

The Spinerval workouts are all intense interval type training...there are some steady state workouts like "Aero Base", but I do not like that one. Hope this helps.:7
Tneah - thank you for this information! I think I will get one or two and give them a try. It will be nice to have some variety for the bike. Do you use a spin bike or a trainer?

Thanks again! Shana
Hey Shana, I have a V-spin , spinning bike that I adore! I have a gel cushioned seat I use because otherwise your "privates" start going numb.:) Enjoy your Spinervals, I really like more athletic, straight forward, no nonsense type workouts, and these fit the bill. Coach Troy is kinda dorky, but the workouts are fabulous!

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