For those doing Gym Style workouts


I'd like to start them, but don't know how I would work them into my schedule. I get home late and have about 20-30 mins. to devote to working out before dinner. It's enough time to do PUB (premix-up) broken down into 4 parts during the week, and then the whole thing again on the weekend.

For anyone who is familiar with them, is there any way I could break them down to fit into my schedule or am I better off just sticking with the Pyramids and maybe Muscle Max until my schedule eases up (sometime in the unforeseen future)?

Funny you should ask - I don't post here very often, but since the HC release I've been peeking in here more often :D I'm using the Gym Styles to do one part per day. I can't comment on results as I just started this, but last night I did back. I prefer one or two parts per day so I can go real heavy and still have time for some cardio and/or yoga.

If you do it that way, can you get through all 3 workouts in a week if you do more on weekends? (I assume once per week is enough for these workouts?)
I was actually checking the premixes on Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps yesterday, and I think there is a premix that is only around 34 minutes long. I don't think any exercises were left out, but just used fewer sets. I think the entire workout is only like 45 minutes anyway. The time frame on the cover is listed as 62 minutes, I think, but that is not correct.
Nancy...there are some premixes in the GS that use less time. Not exactly sure what is in them as I've only tried the GS Chest & Triceps Superset premix and it was 31 min instead of the full workout at 48. if you don't have the premix time breakdown I'll post it:

GS Legs:
Full workout 67 min
Timesaver #1 32 min
Timesaver #2 49 min

GS Chest & Triceps:
Full workout 48
Timesaver 32 min
Superstes 31 min

GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps:
Full workout 62 min
Timesaver 36 min
Back & Biceps 35 min

Not sure if this will help or not, but they are really great workouts to use along with PUB...:)...Carole
I usually do the upper body parts through the week and then a longer lower body workout on the weekend so I can get through it all 1x per week. If I go really heavy, it's enough for me. Does that help?

I have been using them in combination w/other UB dvds such as PUB. I pick 1-2 UB parts per workout to focus on and use Gym Style and then use PUB for the rest.

The other day on Sunday when I had more time I did Chest & Tri's + Shoulders, Back, Bi's back to back. It took awhile but was AWESOME!

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