I sent the link to my sister. She has always hated her body and very self critical. She is OTC and workouts with the same mentality. She was ask by a curves franchise to leave. She was over doing it and compulsive with workouts. She has always compared her body to mine or someone else. I really wish she would just love herself. Its funny she things I'm beautiful and want to be like me (has jealousy issues) I point out to her that everyone that meets us thinks we look alike. I can't get through to her regarding her appearance. She started this in high school so I don't know if a guy or my parents started her on this path.
I guess was so much tom-boy as a teen 20 something. I never really worried about dressing or body stuff. I was underweight and looking back at teen pictures I had cellulite/stretch marks. My mom as always been overweight and had terrible varicose veins and cellulite. I started running at 14 because I didn't want to be her.
So fast forward to my 40's, I tend to be more critical of myself now cause I see all of my aging parts.
But I'm dang lucky that my life partner who I met at 17 tells me I'm beautiful and perfect
He has always been proud to introduce me to his coworkers and friends. I guess I get my body image ideas from how he sees me.
I have legs like the lady in the first picture. I notice the cellulite more when I'm working out in my gym because of the fluorescent lights in the basement room. They really aren't as noticeable in other lighting. I know this but tend to me self critical while I'm working out.
I seriously wish I could ditch the mirror in the weight room but I needed to keep proper form during yoga and weight lifting. I've had injury from bad posture.
anyway great article - I seriously wish fitness magazine would stop the photo manipulation. I think that they are doing a deserves to women.
I would love to see Oxygen, muscle/fitness hers especially stop the photo shop.