For those days when you're feeling less than satisfied

Thanks so much for posting - I really needed something like this today. Life stresses have gotten in the way recently and I've been riding the old sugar train with less than ideal results to say the least!:( I'll try not be to so hard on myself now...
As women we're sometimes so hard on ourselves. A little voice that tells us we need to be perfect. (However the older I get, the less I listen) It's nice to read an article that gives us permission to relax. Life is too short. Thanks Justine.

yup, that's it, that's what I was talking about last week in my posts on the tyranny of the visual aesthetic as it dominates our fitness goals. Thanks for continuing the conversation. I'm in good company since I have an imperfect body and live in an imperfect world. But, I always knew that!

I sent the link to my sister. She has always hated her body and very self critical. She is OTC and workouts with the same mentality. She was ask by a curves franchise to leave. She was over doing it and compulsive with workouts. She has always compared her body to mine or someone else. I really wish she would just love herself. Its funny she things I'm beautiful and want to be like me (has jealousy issues) I point out to her that everyone that meets us thinks we look alike. I can't get through to her regarding her appearance. She started this in high school so I don't know if a guy or my parents started her on this path.

I guess was so much tom-boy as a teen 20 something. I never really worried about dressing or body stuff. I was underweight and looking back at teen pictures I had cellulite/stretch marks. My mom as always been overweight and had terrible varicose veins and cellulite. I started running at 14 because I didn't want to be her.

So fast forward to my 40's, I tend to be more critical of myself now cause I see all of my aging parts.:(

But I'm dang lucky that my life partner who I met at 17 tells me I'm beautiful and perfect :eek:

He has always been proud to introduce me to his coworkers and friends. I guess I get my body image ideas from how he sees me.

I have legs like the lady in the first picture. I notice the cellulite more when I'm working out in my gym because of the fluorescent lights in the basement room. They really aren't as noticeable in other lighting. I know this but tend to me self critical while I'm working out.

I seriously wish I could ditch the mirror in the weight room but I needed to keep proper form during yoga and weight lifting. I've had injury from bad posture.

anyway great article - I seriously wish fitness magazine would stop the photo manipulation. I think that they are doing a deserves to women.

I would love to see Oxygen, muscle/fitness hers especially stop the photo shop.
Caffelattee - spot on re Photoshopping in magazines.

When I read the article, my first thoughts were that the women who posted the photos of themselves looking less than perfect (but still amazing) were very brave. Then I thought that I shouldn't be thinking like that - they are proud, not brave.

As I get older I'm appreciating my body more and more for the things it can do, rather than how it looks. BUT I'm vain as well, and I found the article reassuring since these younger, possible fitter, women had dimples and wrinkles and folds too!

I hope your sister can take something positive from the blog

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