***For people doing or interested in doing HIIT...


I have just started doing HIIT the past two weeks. I have heard so many great things about it as well as read so many great things and I think it would be the perfect complement to my regular training schedule.

Anyway, as I muddle through, I was wondering if anyone wanted to muddle with me. :) I am thinking about starting an HIIT check-in so we can discuss HIIT as well as give each other ideas for different HIIT workouts. I would REALLY like it if the more experienced HIIT-ers would log on and give their advice/expertise.

Let me know if you are interested in doing a check-in. If I am going to commit to doing this, I want to make sure I am doing it correctly.


I am not a runner, but I do what is HIIT for me! I-Tread interval workouts, and I sometimes do the Sprint 8 format. I would log on if you started a check-in for this! :)

I don't think it would have to be just for runners. I know a lot of people do HIIT other ways (elliptical, step, bike, etc.). I woudl just really like for those that have been doing it for a while to give those of us who have just started (or want to start) some advice. It would also be nice to see what HIIT workouts others are doing.
Hey Lorie! Well you'll always have me to talk to. I'm off to the gym in a couple of minutes for a 20 min special. I do 9.5 sprints for a min alternated with a minute of walking. I'll hobble in and catch you probably after lunch!


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I'm pretty sure Cardio Coach can be considered HIIT. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Both of the Vol. 6's, especially. If so, then I'll be joining you at least once a week!
Shannon, I love coach Sean. I have volumes 1-6 and what great workouts they are. I do them on the treadmill but also use them on my road bike. I plan to get an elliptical by the end of the year.

Have a good day everyone.

Alright...it's settled! I am going to start a check-in as long as Debbie prmises to be our official "resident expert." I guess I will call it "HIIT it!" unless anyone has a snappy name they can come up with (I never said I was creative!).

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