? for KathyH about supplements


Hi Kathy,

I found a thread in the archives where you had talked about supplements you were taking. I'm not sure what this forum's rules are about it, so I tried to email you privately, but not sure it got through.

Can you tell us what you take and what your experience has been with protein powders, HGH and other supplements you've used.

If this type of discussion is not allowed on this board, my apologies. However, my question comes from having read a lot about supplements lately and it's hard to tell from magazine articles if they're 'real' articles or advertorials. I'd like to hear from real experiences.

I'd also love to hear from others on the board about their experiences.

Just to clarify, I'm interested in stuff like flax, protein, fiber, etc and NOT the various legal speeds on the market that can't be healthy for you anyway you look at it!

I've started using a scoop of Designer Whey Protein in an afternoon smoothie and it seems like that's made a difference in tone. I also grind up 2 tblspns of flax and put it in my morning cereal and it's done wonders for my hair and skin. Since these two things have made a difference I'm wondering what else is out there.

supplement info

Hello Liz! There is a fairly new website www.nutros.com by Shawn Phillips(Bill Phillips brother from Body of Life Book) This site will be helpful and you can also sign up for free and receive newsletters! He has a section where you check your goals and some other data and they find the supplements that will get you results and you have the option to buy! He has a website www.bestabs.com too! Also check out www.prosourceonline.com they have great prices compared to GNC! Request a free catalog -they have educational articles on the newest supplements out! I also use flax--I grind it and put it in my oatmeal and yogurt--it does do wonders for hair and skin!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Liz! I was taking Pyruvex tablets (fat burning tablets). These work as long as you keep taking them. Once you go off of them the weight comes right back. Don't recommend them. I was also taking HGH. This is in powder form. The drink did produce more energy and vitalized me and gave me a pumped feeling so I could lift heavier and longer but after further research stopped taking this also. I also took creatine. This should only be used when lifting EXTREMELY heavy weights. If you don't do heavy weight lifting this will only cause you to bloat up. It puts water into your muscles that's what its meant to do. You will get bigger but not necessarily leaner.

I found that by eating 5 small meals a day making my heaviest meal at 1:00 and my last meal of the day the lightest to be the best course of action. I also experimented w/eating 100g of protein on the days that I lift heavy and 260-270g of carbs on days when I'm doing cardio. I'm only 5'2" tall, weight 110 lbs. and have very muscular arms as well as legs. I'm a size 2.

My advice is to experiment with the diet. I'm sure you got the exercise down pat. I've also come to the realization that I'll never look like the models shown in Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine. I'm quite sure there all on supplements of some kind and I would never want to model myself after those body building women. They eat terribly.

I use Dave Drapper's protein powder. I mix the powder w/8 oz. soy milk and 1/2 of a banana. Delicious! The best tasting protein shake aside from making your own that I've found on the market. Most of them are disgusting. Try taking this shake after you've done your weight lifting as this will make your body recover faster for the next day's workout. I take a MetRx protein bar at 4:00 p.m. The chocolate peanut butter one is very good and it contains 31g of protein. You should try it.

I use flaxseed ground up and will add this to my oatmeal or my own shake. I don't use the oil.

I personally think your doing very well after reading your post. You seem to have everything down pat. What are your goals? It takes a lot of experimenting because everybody is different in order to find that magic that's going to work for them. Take care and feel free to ask me any other questions that you have. Kathy
RE: supplement info

Hi Francine,
I was just wondering if you can taste the ground flax in your oatmeal or yogurt. How/where do you buy it? How do you grind it? I have been interested in adding Flax to my diet, but the oil just sounded like something I could not tolerate! Maybe this would be the way to go for me.

Hi Kathy,

I'm also eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. After some other discussions I've had lately including with Francine who is a wealth of information, it seems like one change I should make is having the protein smoothie in the morning after my workout rather than waiting till afternoon.

I'd like to trim down another 10 pounds or so. I don't want to bulk up at all. I want a toned lean look. This is slightly against my genetics, so I just want to get as close to that as I can ;) However, I must say, Cathe's tapes (and the FIRMs) have really helped me re-shape my body to a degree which I didn't think was possible.

I knew about creatine but not interested in it for me personally.

I didn't know what Pyruvex was, so that was interesting. Losing every pound and inch is such a battle I don't want to regain anything!

Can you point me to the research you found with the HGH? I've heard a lot of conflicting info. Did you have side effects?

I agree with you on the health of the models in the fitness magazines. Kind of ironic, isn't it? Once in a while they'll have an article where they include their diet. Can't imagine exercising as heavy as they must and have such a small amount of food. Actually, I can't imagine eating that lightly exercising as much as the average Cathe-ite does!

I have tried the MetRx protein bars and don't care for the taste. I've found some others at Walmart - much cheaper too - called Carb Solutions. They come in a lot of good flavors.

Well, overall I guess I'd have to say I just want to continue feeling healthy as long as possible. The two small things I added - the ground flax and the protein shakes - made enough of a difference I was curious about what else there might be out there that I didn't know about yet.

The thing that makes me feel the healthiest every day is starting out with exercise. Once I do that, it seems automatic that I only want to put healthy stuff into my system.

I guess I've rambled on enough! If you could tell me more about HGH I would appreciate it.


Hi Laura! I use Barleans flaxseed! You can order at www.barleans.com---Not all flaxseed is created equal. I advise buying organically grown flaxseed, which can be found in almost all natural food stores. Grind your daily serving (1/4 cup)in a coffee grinder and then stir the meal into soups , beverages ,smoothies or sprinkle it on cereal ,salad or yogurt! You should start with 1 ground tablespoon to get use to it first!It can cause cramping in the stomach if you consume too much-- if your irregular especially! The flavor is not bad but you do get use to it! It's soo good for you --you want to take it!

Your Friend in fitness~~Francine

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