for jainiejoey


I was looking at the ingredients in my daughters' "Foradix by Floravital Iron + Herbs", and noticed that it had 7.5 mcg of B12 (125% RDA). That amount sounds like a number that you may be comfortable with. It is an iron product but is all from natural sources. One dose is 10 mg or iron (56% RDA). Ingredients: Aqueous extract from: african mallow blossoms, chamomile flowers, fennel, spinach; juice concentrates (grape, pear, black currant, cherry, blackberry, carrot), rosehip extract. It is non-constipating, easily absorbed and very tasty.

I really like food based products for my supplements. I think the body can handle them more effectively. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the information.

The only thing I'm concerned about is low dosage of B12. Foradix has many other things in it that I don't need. Since I eat a lot of vegies, fruits, fat, nuts, I really don't need to be too concerned about the rest of my vitamins and minerals.

However, I've learned something about Iron that I want you to know. Perhaps you already do. Since you've helped me already, I just want to return the favor. Please check out taking too much iron supplements. Wow is that scary! You can find it over the internet. Let me know what you think? Would love to hear your opinion on this.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
The iron in most foods is very hard or near impossible for the body to process. The iron in Floravital is like eating food and the body can use or eliminate it. You are right about too much iron in our diets. Did you know that men how give blood have a 30% LESS chance of heart attact than men who don't? When they give blood their iron levels decrease in their blood. High iron levels in males and post menopausal women can increase heart attack. That is a scary thought because so much processed food as so much added iron. I don't eat Cliff bars anymore for that very reason. We also need to be careful as a nation as to how much extra iron we are giving our children. You are so right about diet.

I am doing some research on an alkaline vs. acid body. I think I am very high in acid and am eating way to many acid forming foods. Cancer simply cannot live in an alkaline body. How cool is that? I am seriously considering eliminating all red meat from my diet. It is scary because I don't know any other way to eat. (I grew up in Southern Alberta Canada, king of the beef industry.) Even chicken is very acidy. I applaud you for eating the way you do. I just might start on that road.

Thanks for the information and thinking of me.

Because of you and others like you, is why I love being on the Cathe forums. I learn so much from everyone. And I hope they learn a little from me as well.

Knowledge is powerful isn't it? As you are doing, I like to keep my options open and be a better person physically and mentally.

When I was growing up in meat country (Sunnyside WA), I only liked potatoes and meat with lots of gravy on them. Now that I know better, things had to change for me. I learn something new every day here.

Thanks Cheryl, you are an inspiration. Here's to great health!


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

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