? for Cathe

Ann Marie

Hi Cathe
I love your workouts. I have been preordering your workouts since the hardcore series. I have been hooked since fit Tv, 2002!
My question is today, as I was doing cardio supersets, I wondered when you filmed it, do you film the whole workout at once, or do you take breaks. I feel like I am improving, but I still have to pause. I love the LIS series, because each time I do it, it is always a challenge. I am currently doing your STS/LIS. 3. rotation. Loving it! You and all the girls are amazing! I do miss Cedie in LIS. Thank you for such incredible workouts. I do hope to be able to go on a roadtrip sometime in the future.

Ann Marie
Great question!!

I too am curious about how you go about filming your workouts. I know that you mention in several of the older workouts about a rehearsal session.. which I'm sure is quite extensive - not only for you and the "crew" to work out the routine, but also for the film crew to work out camera and lighting setups.

I'd love to know more about the process. The rehearsals... the tweaks... the actual filming process.... how many "takes" there are before you all get it synchronized.

I'll bet there is some fantastic "blooper" footage out there... sure wish you would share some of it with us. I'll bet it's hilarious :p

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