????? For Cathe


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-02 AT 10:24PM (Est)[/font][p]:D Hi Cathe,
I Hope All is Well :). I Love the Slow & Heavy Series:7 had sdme major strength gains using them Thanks for An Awesome Workout :-cool.
Ok Now To the ????? & inquiry.
Is this True? "The good news is, Cathe has announced a new set of videos she is about to make, and one pair will be a 1-hour upper body and 1-hour lower body strength video, with a pace slower than her Pure Strength series, but faster than Slow and Heavy. (Pure Strength has the slowest rep speed next to S&H, I think. It is a nice set of 3 videos, but still much faster than S&H.)" This is a Quote from an e-mail from Connie1.(in reply to a Post i Made here yesterday) I Hope this is true :-jumpy, I would even be interested in Being in the video or at the shoot Love to meet you and discuss my modifications that I have to make. & I Think it would/could open up a Whole market that gets overlooked when it comes to fitness.
I Won't Be around much on-line that is other than to Check e-mails. I Have a Busy weekend on-hand. Work, Workout's & a Special Olympics competition & that's just Saturday:-tired phew I'm tired just thinking about it oh well I'll survive :p.
so Here's my E-mail addy incase you wish to get in touch. [email protected]
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,
Jill :-shy
Reply to Jill (I e-mailed this, and pasted a copy here):

I should have added, the 2-part series is not definite yet, and there are specific threads in Cathe's Video Comments and Questions section asking for our input.

Many many people posted requesting that particulaer rep speed. So I told you as if it has been decided, but of course Cathe is the one who will decide the speed and everything else.

It would probably be most courteous of you to accept your responses to posts on the forum rather than requesting e-mails. Did you notice that when you post a question (or reply) that there is a little check-box to receive an e-mail notification when you have a reply to a post? If you check this box, you will get an e-mail every time somene responds to that particular thread. The e-mail will contain a link you can click to go straight to the message. Hope this helps.

Hi Connie,
Thanks for the Info. No I Never noticed that Feature before now That I know it's There I'll Definately use It ;).
The only reason I Posted my Email was because my Weekend is So Crazy Between Work, Special Olympics Meet etc. I Didn't want People to post & have me not be able to get back to them ASAP, I'll be Lucky to check e-mail this Weekend.
Thanks again for All your Help
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,

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