Dear Cathe,
I wanted to thank you for answering my post about the Runner's Knee. I have since gone back to a New Orthopedist and have started Physical Therapy. I DON'T have Runner's Knee afterall, but Plica on both knees with grinding caused by the tight/thick may be needed.
Any who,
I was given a new modification for Lunges and wanted to know just how effective they would be. My PT said they work the quads mainly, but I'd like my bottom to see some benefits as well. This "new" lunge looks something like a T-Stand from Yoga. Instead of both knees coming to right angles, the back leg remains straight, so only the front knee is at a 90 degree or less angle.
Now when I do them with my shoes on, I just feel it mainly in my quads. However when I'm in my socks, I am assuming because of the slippery-slide effect, I really can feel it in my glutes.
The QUESTION there something I can do to get this added glute work from the slippery effect but with shoes on? I love working the quads bit I would just love some glute action as well, with the safety of shoes on.
I wanted to thank you for answering my post about the Runner's Knee. I have since gone back to a New Orthopedist and have started Physical Therapy. I DON'T have Runner's Knee afterall, but Plica on both knees with grinding caused by the tight/thick may be needed.
Any who,
I was given a new modification for Lunges and wanted to know just how effective they would be. My PT said they work the quads mainly, but I'd like my bottom to see some benefits as well. This "new" lunge looks something like a T-Stand from Yoga. Instead of both knees coming to right angles, the back leg remains straight, so only the front knee is at a 90 degree or less angle.
Now when I do them with my shoes on, I just feel it mainly in my quads. However when I'm in my socks, I am assuming because of the slippery-slide effect, I really can feel it in my glutes.
The QUESTION there something I can do to get this added glute work from the slippery effect but with shoes on? I love working the quads bit I would just love some glute action as well, with the safety of shoes on.