? for Bun & Thigh Rocker users


Active Member
I ordered one and it should be here soon.My question is how do you incorporate the BTR into your workouts? I read that some use it with Cathe's videos and I hoping for some pointers.
RE: ? for Bun & Thigh Rocker users

Yes, I do use it for Cathe's workouts. It's pretty easy. The manual will show you variations on the basic exercise. For squats, do the basic exercise. For tall box step ups, use one leg in the middle of the plate. For lunges, use the slalom position. For deadlifts, use the position with the feet high on the plate. It'll be pretty clear once you look through your manual. The first few times you use it, you may want to just do 10 reps of each exercise a few times just to get the feel of it. It's a great machine.
RE: ? for Bun & Thigh Rocker users

I also like to rewind the squat portion and do the same sets with my toes pointing in. That really targets the outer thighs. You can also buy weight plates and put them on the handles and give yourself some more resistance. When I do the deadlifts, I use my barbell, it just works better for me. I absolutely love my Rocker. I have had it about 8 weeks and I bought an 8 the other day, and I have to take them back, they are too big!!!!
Lori S.

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