? for Annette (A-Jock)


Hi, Annette!

You were kind enough to reply to a question I had a while back regarding weighted vests, but I can't seem to find that post. What I am looking for specifically is the brand you have. There is a weighted vest I found on the Fitness Wholesale site, but it is "one size fits all", and I'm on the smaller side (5'3" and 110 lbs.)--I'm worried it would be way too big on me!
You are a small (but strong!) woman also, so I thought you might be able to help.

Thank you in advance for answering if you happen to see this post! :)

Take care,
I'm not A-Jock, obviously, but I posted almost the same question. I am going to repeat it here so may be I could get more answers by 'merging' the two threads:

I am looking around for alternatives to adding more weight to my lower body work. I found that adding more weight on my barbell could jeopardize my safety without having a spotter.

I've looked into weighted vests but got turned off since it might get a little 'warm' wearing one during leg work. Also, I am short; therefore, might get in the way of lunges/squats. I also like the idea of having the weights around my waist (my center of gravity) instead of hanging on my shoulder.

I found weighted belts at by www.jumpusa.com. It is fairly expensive ($140 for 30lbs) compared to the weighted vest ($100 for 40 lbs). I would like to know if anybody has these, and what do you think of it? What are pros and cons about it? Worth it?


RE: All-Pro weight vest is best!

Hi, Denise! The brand of weight vest I have is All-Pro, and I found mine at a local SportMart here in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area. Mine cost around $100.00 for a 40-lb vest. I wouldn't be surprised if you can find that brand on the Web somewhere. And I totally recommend it, in part because it makes economic sense to get a vest that can accommodate that much weight (your legs strengthen up so beautifully!) and in part because the 1/2 lb iron rods that you slip in make increasing your weight load easy, incremental and evenly distributed.

Like you, I'm a 5'3" shortie, but the length of the vest truly doesn't bother me. And, yes you do warm up more during targeted leg work because the vest holds more core heat in, which can be a consideration on hot, humid days. However, that is endurable.

Hope this helps!

RE: All-Pro weight vest is best!

Hi, Annette! Yes, that is just what I was looking for--thank you! I did find it on the web and it looks great!
It's good to know that the length of the vest doesn't bother you. It actually never occurred to me before
Haslina brought it up. Good point, Haslina. I really appreciate the info, Annette. It will be so nice not to
kill myself trying to hoist up the heaviest weight I can. It will make heavy leg days much more bearable!

Haslina, I am looking for a vest for the same reason as you--I just really feel like I'm going to hurt myself
one of these days lifting a heavy barbell. Plus, I would love to go heavier. The weight belt is so neat--
I didn't even know a 30-pound weighted belt existed--all I ever saw were the 10-pounders. What a great
alternative to the vest. The appealing part for me is that it would be cooler when working out. Thanks for
posting the info on the belt!

Take care, Denise :)
RE: All-Pro weight vest is best!

The length of the vest bothered me!!! I am only 5'1" on a good day though, maybe more like 5'0. I found that the vest bottom cut into my thighs during the squatting motion. I didn't try it too many times, but I was very unenamored with it. I took it back and figured if I ever changed my mind again I would go get it back (right down the street for me).
I did S&H today and have found that about 70 lbs. is all I can get over my head. I need heavier weight for legs though, so now I am thinking of just nutting up and getting it again or figure out some other way..

Get it but just make sure you can return it. You might not like it. And I refuse to pay more than 90.00 for something like that. Insane!!


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