Food Rotation


I know that we need to change up my workout routine to shake our bodies out of complacency. Does it make sense to do the same with an eating "routine" as well?

Here is the situation:

I eat 25 WW points per day. I eat basically the same breakfast and lunch every day, with dinner being the only thing that changes.

I've been on a weight loss plateau for about 5 weeks now. I exercise 6 days/week.

Lately I've been trying a 3 days strength (total body-UB-LB) and three days cardio rotation (HIIT-kickbox or step-circuit), mixing up the workouts so strength days are in between the cardio days.

I'm afraid to stray away from 25 points because I'm really worried about gaining weight. I know some members here like to zig-zag their calories, but how do you do that without gaining weight? And how do you make it through the days where you don't get as many calories? I gain weight so easily so I'm not sure what to try for fear of messing up my weight loss.

Lately I've been so hungry and found it difficult to stay under 25 points. Plus, WW says that as you lose weight you get fewer (Ack!) points. 25 points is hardly enough, I don't think I could 'make it' on less than that - LOL!

Advice and opinions are certainly appreciated!

Thanks for reading!

Susan L.G.
I don't have an easy answer for your question, sorry. I just know that when I was on WW and eating 24 points, it was totally NOT enough for the amount of Cathe workouts that I was doing at the time! I was doing roughly the same type of workout rotation that you are and there was NO movement on the scale because I was not eating enough. As much as I love WW, my frustration is that it doesn't take into account the people who are intense exercisers...they only expect your activity/exercise to be walking.

Personally, I would take your points up to about 29 (4 from AP's) a day and see if that makes a's only about 200 calories. That should help with the hunger as well. And yes, I would try to vary what you eat so you don't get bored!
I am certainly no weight watcher expert, but talking to a friend at the gym who did the program faithfully, found she had the best results when she varied her points. She said she would have 22 one day 25 the next and she got the best results when she added a 32 day. It just may fool our stubborn bodies. Good luck and kudos for sticking to something.

I stick to my points all week then I am a little lax on the weekends.
Now, I don't go crazy on the weekends. I just don't watch them as carefully. I also zig zag the points during the week. I have been able to continue to lose weight this way! I am only 10 lbs away from my goal! YAY. Good luck.
I do have a "free day" on Friday when I don't count points at all - but it's not a free-for-all binge either. It's just the same with a dinner at a restaurant (maybe a hamburger and french fries) and something special and sweet for lunch, like some choc chip cookies.

For example, this Friday I am making pancakes for dinner and might have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast.

Susan L.G.
Hey Susan, it pretty much comes down to metabolism to a point. Do your BMR and subtract 350-500 calories for weight loss. If your not eating enough calories over time your metabilism is going to slow down over time to conserve. It fears famine. If you have a cheat day once a week or high calorie day it will show your body its not going to starve. Does that make sense? You should mix up your diet and not eat the same thing everyday.
you need to eat a variety to get all the nutrients from different foods your body needs. Whole foods are better than man made supplements! I hope this helps!

Well, I found a BMR calculator on the web and according tot he calculator my daily cals for BMR are 1442. To lose weight (subtracting 350 calories per day) would leave me with only 1092 calories to spend.

That doesn't seem like very much at all.

Susan L.G.
To get my BMR I multiply my weight by 14. I weigh 120lbs. I take in about 1600 calories a day if i can. There are many ways to calculate it just don't go to low.

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