Food Diaries


I am looking for inspiration about what to write in my food diary. I keep a food diary and have done for years, but I always find that if I have a bad eating day, I use the diary to channel negative thoughts about myself and chastise myself for having a bad eating day. Please could I have some ideas sent to me as to what I should be writing in my food diary ? Help me change my thinking habits of a life time ! What can I write in my food diary to make it positive ?

Many thanks

Designate a weekly cheat day, and in your journal write: "I deserve this. I am in control, and know that I will be back on track for the next six days."

Then it will be easier to watch your food intake six days per week if you can look forward to that cheat day.
I have done this as well - beat myself up for not being 'strict' enough. What I try to do is add any daily 'successes' that I've had - like when someone brings a birthday cake, a box of candy or dessert into work and I managed to avoid it or only had a teeny piece when I wanted to eat whole lot more. I also detail my workouts in my journal and jot down when I've pushed myself to continue when I desperately wanted to stop, didn't want to work out at all and did ... stuff like that. I find that re-reading these entries helps me to feel much more positive.
Just some ideas that work for me!
honeybunch, those words seem so timely to me. Today I'm going out to eat with my DH and DD. I am on WW maintenance and journal my food as part of the program. Even though I am extremely fit (13% bodyfat) and eat clean about 90% of the time, I still feel guilty about a cheat day. But you put it all into prospective for me. So I'm going to enjoy my dinner with my family and make the heathiest food choices I can. I used to have a "cheat" day but it was turning into a "bindge" day which is no good so for a while I cut them out totally and just tried to treat myself once or twice a week with some chocolate or a clean cheat meal that may have gone over my calories count for that day. Now things are more in control. I currently workout six days a week 3-4 days cardio 4 days weight work. I'm lucky because I seem to build muscle quickly, so that helps as a furnace. I have a small frame and I'm 5 2.5" and weight about 106lbs, but I'm very cut thanks to the Firm and Cathe. What would you consider a cheat day. Do you just have a cheat meal or is it throughout the day you have some treats. Thanks.
I don't go wild for an entire day, usually starting in the afternoon. But then, look out! Anything and everything is a target for my sweet tooth.
Honeybunch, just one more ? if you don't mind. Have you noticed you gained weight after this. That's what made me stop going totally wild. I ended up gaining 2lbs! But after I "modified" my cheat day and changed my cardio routine, I lost it.
I amy experience a temporary weight gain, but then I've gotten away from weighing myself everyday. I weigh once a week now, as as long as I'm on course, I don't worry about it. If I gain, I know it was from overdoing it during the week, like getting into the ice cream mid-week. Our friend Donna can dig that! ;-) It's hardly ever not enough exercise as it is too much eating.
Thanks for the inspiration Kelly. What about days where you do eat a lot more than planned. Do you document those as well, or don't you have days like that? Lord knows I do!
Hi Jillybean,

Just to answer your question, I always document those days I eat more than I planned to. I think you can learn alot from them, for instance you might of eaten 2 chocolate biscuits mid-afternoon when you weren't supposed to, because you perhaps mistook thirst for hunger. Therefore, you can make a note on that day to perhaps drink a glass of water when a biscuit urge appears and so forth.
I also like to highlight the foods that I shouldn't of eaten, and make a note of how many calories I would of saved that day if I hadn't eaten them. That can sometimes be a shocker, but I reckon that if you have a bad eating day, and your exercising every day or most days, then it won't of made that much difference to your weight. And you can always start afresh tomorrow.
Though, I think Honeybunch's suggestion could actually work - you could designate one day a week where you have a take away and treat yourself to some wine, instead of baked potato and salad, and stick to a healthy breakfast (cereal and fruit), for lunch a salad sandwich and a yoghurt, and then for evening your once a week treat. In this example, it is your take away and wine, or it could be a meal in a restaurant.
I think it could work, but you would have to still keep most of your designated day fairly healthy, I think, for it to work.

Hope this was of some use

Thanks Anna. I often mistake thirst for hunger and will make a note of this in the future. I love how many things I have learned from this forum!

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