follow up on test


I repeated this morning and the results were unmistakeable! POSITIVE!!! I'm so nervous, scared, happy. What a rush of emotions! I have to make an appt with the OB next week and confirm it with a blood test. I'm such a rookie, I have no idea what to expect... Guess it's time to read my "Mother of all Pregnancy books".

I'm really going to be dedicated to a fitness routine throught this, to make it easier for me and baby. I can't wait to get more answers on what I can/can't do from the doc.

This all seems so surreal... I keep going back and looking at the test. Yup...still positive!

I look forward to going through the journey with you ladies!

Congratulations!!!!!!! I agree with you that the first positive test is quite surreal. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you repeated a test today and now there is no uncertainity. I thought it was probably positive, but I didn't want to get your hopes up and thought confirming it was best. Look at that test as many times as you need to.

Wishing you a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby!!
Hi Amy! My name is Jessica. I am an avid Cathe fan and workout with her videos at least 5 times a week. I have been trying to get pregnant and my test came up POSITIVE today too. So I wanted to wish you all the best. I will be calling my OBGYN Monday too. Keep me posted!



CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! And WELCOME to the forums!!!

Wishing you a happy and healthy experience too!
Hi Jessica,

Best wishes to you too!!! I spent yesterday enjoying the news with hubby and sharing with a couple of close family members. Everyone is so excited, it makes me worry that I'll go to OB this week and they'll tell me I'm nuts! Anyhow - I look forward to posting together! We should both be due in the general vicinity as Mother's Day? I haven't been as good as working out with Cathe - some of the workouts hurt my knees, but I am going to be getting better because I want to make this as easy as possible for me and baby. I won't jump into too much intensity, just ease myself in - well as long as DR says it's ok.

Anyhow -[ I look forward to going through this journey together!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!

Thank you for your kind words. I am so happy for both of us. This is my first pregnancy so I am very excited but nervous too. I haven't told any family yet though because I want to see my OBGYN first. Let me know how you make out. I will keep you posted too.


Congratulations to you too!! Don't bury your announcement in a thread - it's great news, and deserves its own!

Okay, I am going to "hide" my announcement as well because until I see my doctor in 2 weeks I am apprehensive. This will be our first and only (I have always only wanted one and I am no spring chicken). Anyway, I don't usually "throw myself out there" on these forums, but after seeing 2 people besides me who have just found out they are pregnant I couldn't resist. We won't tell anyone until after the first doctor's visit either, so SHHHHH! Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'll just say good luck to us all for now.

Wow Amy!! Congratulations!
Didn't you just post a few days ago that you and your hubby were going to start to ttc (if you weren't already!?) That's amazing!!! Congrats and best of luck!! Please keep us updated on how you are feeling - my husband and I just started to ttc for our first this month - I hope that I can join you soon!
FINALLY, we need some new "blood" on the Moms 2B Check-in. So many of us are in our 3rd trimesters.
Congrats to all of you. I've always wanted a Summer baby. Maybe next time. Hee hee.

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
Congrats to ALL of you!!

I had high hopes of working out my entire pregnancy, but fatigue and nausea derailed my plans. I haven't worked out for about a month, but I'm okay with it. I'm feeling much better, and will be able to work out tomorrow!

My point is, enjoy your pregnancy, and know that it's okay if your body says Whoa! even if your mind is saying "Must. Work. Out." LOL!

Congrats, you guys!


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