Flying Pig Marathon (VERY LONG)

WOW!!! that was an incredible accounting of your marathon. i had tears in my eyes thinking of how proud you must be of yourself. a marathon is such an accomplishment! you are inspiring with your hard work, and with your ability to put it into words so perfectly. i just started running again, and am truly inspired to work even harder at it after reading this. thank you for sharing this with everyone here and congratulations on an fantastic time!!
Hey sister!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!! HOW WONDERFUL!!!

You are an incredible writer!! Wow what an incredible day!! I love the play by play it felt like I was right there with you, I have tears in my eyes too!!!

All I can say is WOW!!!!!


Sarah...THANK YOU so much for sharing this wonderful story. You did such an outstanding job in your first marathon. To have the ability to push through those hard moments when the negative thoughts come into your mind shows how very strong you are. I remember the quad burning in my first marathon, it does get better with each marathon you do. Yes, you did have help and support but it was YOU that did it!!! I am so very impressed with your drive. I know it has been said many times here, but you really are a wonderful inspiration to all in this Forum...
What a wonderful, amazing experience....thank you for sharing that with us, Sarah. I'm so inspired!

I hope you're recooperating and basking in your bliss today. GREAT JOB!

Kathy G
{{{{{SARAH}}}}}} HOW INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us! And share you did! What an amazing job writing! I'm all choked up wanting to be there in the crowds screaming for you! You're also making me want to go out and run my own marathon. WOW! You should be so darned proud of yourself! Hope you're toe is fine, and that you're feeling incredible today! WAY TO GO!!!!
I was eating my lunch while I was reading your story. I was very touched and forgetting to chow my foods. Could not find any tissues and had to use napkin to wipe my eyes.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us.

You are truly an inspiration to me.
Hi Sarah,

WOW! You are truely an inspiration to a lot of us here! You have shown me that to make a change it all starts with myself! Way to go girl, lets here it for all the strong WOMEN out there! The way you shared your experience with us, made me feel as though I was one of the spectatars cheering you on!!! From reading about your experience, it has made me want to try harder with my routine this week in every aspect of my life! You ROCK! :)
Congratulations Sarah!

What a wonderful account of your marathon experience. You truly are an inspiration. You must be beaming, and you deserve it!

Great job! :)
Awesome story, thanks for sharing. I also was teary. Did you ever find out what the deal was with your foot?
Simply amazing, Sarah! OMG, I have tears in my eyes as well. How did you remember all that? Each mile it etched into your brain and I think that is awesome. Wow! Just WOW!!! Thank you for sharing this, you are such an inspiration!

How is your toe? What happened to it?
Sheesh, I had tears in my eyes through that whole post!!!!

Awesome job, Sarah!! You are so inspirational! I'm so happy for you!!

Wow! I am utterly surpised by the responses! My account was very off the cuff, I have yet to proof read and there is actually a lot I left out! I just wanted to get as much as I could on paper before details start to fade. I am thrilled that so many are enjoying the account of my big day! I do plan on composing an "After i crossed the Finish" to explain a few the toe!!:7

To answer a few questions..."What's next"? I have already registered for the Columbus Marathon, it is October 15th. I will recover for a few weeks and then it is speed work until training starts up for my Fall marathon.

As for my need to amputate just yet!! WARNING STOP READING NOW IF YOU ARE SQUEEMISH. O.k., you've had your caution, if you lose your lunch, it's on your hands! The entire 1/3 of my 2nd toe ballooned up into a huge blood blister and it had ruptured around mile 21. The one next to it kind of split but not bad. No clue what that was all about! I have a very high tolerance for pain and I think it pretty much went numb so right now, it's just ugly! I can live with that! Don't know if I can salvage the running sock! My shoe insert is a lot more colorful!:7

O U T S T A N D I N G!!!!!! YOU ARE TOTALLY A BAD A$$!!! :7

Wow! I am sooooooo choked up right now reading your post! GREAT JOB!! And I agree that you worked very hard and deserved such a great first marathon experience!!
Way to go!!

Due to some family obligation, I haven’t been able to post for several days, but I’m back to work today and wanted to get in a quick peek at how you did. I will post later in the running thread when I have some time. Wow, congratulations on a job very well done!!

Thomasina :7
WOW :7 WOW :7 WOW :7

I too was crying and wondering put it into such heartfelt words I felt I could hear your brother yelling from the vehicle. What a wonderful support of family and friends you have!

WAY TO GO!!!!!

Hope the toes get better ;-)

Wow Sarah! How great!
I ran a 1/2 marathon 10 yrs. ago and can relate so much to your journey. When I ran, it really reminded me of having my kids: lots of hard work and while the encouragement of others helped a lot, I knew it was ultimately up to ME. I still remember that surreal feeling of crossing the finish line and realizing I did it.
I haven't not had the chance to read all the responses and I am sure I will duplicate a lot of the sentiments here...Sarah that is one of the most amazing stories I have ever read. I was smiling and crying at the same time. I still have goose-bumps! You are such an amazing person and such an inspiration to all that come to this forum. I don't know you, but feel so very proud of you for this tremendous accomplishment!

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