

Is there anyone here who is using the fluidity Bar workouts in addition to Cathe and other weight training dvds? If so, how do you like it or not - and what kind of results have you had?

I just googled it because I have never heard of it before, and I really love "the dancer's" body they are advertising on the infomercial - muscular, long and lean. Can we get that way just by adding more stretching, yoga or pilates or does this Fluidity Bar method really make it that more easily achievable?

Anyway - always looking for more "spice" in my workouts. I recently added Kari Anderson's 'Reach' and 'Angles, Lines and Curves' and Turbo Jam to my Cathe weight training and cardio regimen.

Thank you, ladies so much. I always get great information packed responses that send me over the edge purchasing more fitness "stuff". edie
Edie, I was wondering if Lorrie (LSass) is still using and enjoying her fluidity set. Maybe she'll see this and post. I'm very curious about it too.
Hi Edie.
Can't really help you as I just purchased fluidity this week and it hasn't arrived yet. My muscles bulk very easy and I am going to try a different mix. Much like you describe. I think a lot depends on genetics but also keep in mind dancers do not lift heavy weight. It's a no no. Also I am willing to bet the women in the infomercial are pro dancers and didn't get their build from fluidity alone. I don't want to sound like I'm knocking fluidity b/c I am very excited about incorporating it into my routine. If you don't get enough feedback from your question contact me in a few weeks and I'll give you an update.

PS I added reach to my mix and love the results!
Uh-oh! Sure enough I did see this and I've gotta' say that barely a day goes by where I don't roll out my barre. If it's not one of the actual Fluidity DVDs, then it's one of the Lotte Berk methods or my recently acquired (and VERY enjoyable) Squeeze. I use them as add-ons to my Cathes.

I find that continued use of these kinds of workouts, together with walking (see link below) really keeps my hereditary saddlebags under control.

Now I know this is almost blasphemous around here, but I sold my P90X to offset the cost of Fluidity. FOR ME - that was one of the best fitness moves I've ever made. I know Fluidity is pricey, but I find it to be completely worth every penney.



I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage go to: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=202302&supid=166016627

I'm laughing at your blasphemous act! Too funny! I love my Fluidity Barre too! I use it for modified chin-ups these days. I did roll it out last night for some leg work. My quads and hammies are crying!

To the OP,

I agree. The informercial is awesome and enabling!!!

When I only did step and high step, my quads bulked up. I used Fluidity to help stretch them out. I didn't use it long enough to debulk my legs as I started P90X a month later with dh. Not only did the barre help with flexibility, it did help lift my tush to amazing new heights. The bar workouts helped me to recognize when certain muscles were being used. Prior to using barre type workouts, I wasn't feeling lunges and squats in the right places if you KWIM. I would only get DOMS in my quads. Now, I can focus on the correct position. Anyhow, I'm in my 3rd phase of the X and my legs have gotten smaller by a 1/2". I think for me I had to decrease my bodyfat with upper body strength workouts in order to decrease the size of my legs for that leaner look. The X helped with that. I plan on adding Fluidity back into my routine as soon as I finish the X. I'm too lazy to regularly add it on to my current rotation.

Hope this helps.

Thank you everyone, again, for helping me to make such wise fitness choices!! I will be purchasing the Fluidity bar very soon. I'm taking a trip to Las Vegas next week so I'm going to order it before I leave, to time delivery shortly after I get back. I'm so anxious, I was almost tempted to order it now and just have it sent to my office so it can arrive sooner. But then I'd have to contend with getting it to and in my car then into the house - and I'm a little apprehensive about my DH discovering that I have just spent even more money on fitness equipment! - Also, I live in Hawaii, so the Fluidity bar will cost me a $100 more to ship here!

I'm thinking of sending my P90X back just to offset the cost! I'm debating and haven't decided yet. But I wanted to thank everyone for their posts. If there is still anyone else who would like to tell me about their experiences using the Fluidity bar, I'd love to hear ALL. I'm really excited! thanks! edie
Not to be a wet blanket....I have the the bar and the DVD's, and I just get so dang bored with it all. I am like a "bull in a china closet" when it comes to exercise--probably why I need a hip replacement now!}(

I have used it quite a bit, but get bored with the DVD's, maybe if Cathe was teaching it, I would not! The instructor is OK, but I just love the meat and potatoes of a good gym style weight workout and a heart poundin cardio workout-the Fluidity workout is tough, but for some reason it irritates me. That is the reason I probably need to do it more often, it teaches me patience for sure!
Mmmmm...very interesting. I know what you mean - but I plan to continue to work really hard with weights and cardio. It's just that I notice that since I have been working hard with weights and cardio, my muscles have become so tight and taut, which is why I have added Kari Anderson's 'REACH' and 'ANGLES, LINES AND CURVES' , and now I want the Fluidity Bar as well. I used to do a lot of yoga - but really needed to up my weight and cardio workouts. So I did and gave up my yoga (wish I had time to do it ALL!!) . The Fluidity Bar, yoga and other stretching or "slower" work outs are just to balance all that grim and grind with weights and cardio. It's balance, like YIN & YANG...(ok...I'm an Acupuncturist and practice Chinese Medicine.

thanks for your post!!! edie
I'll kind of second what Tneah said. Except for Squeeze (Tracy Effinger) which is much more athletic - I don't find these nearly as fun as I find most other exercise. I think that's why I only think of them as add-ons. If I only did a fluidity w/o on a day, I don't think I would feel as though I worked out at all. They can be monotonous. Sometimes I will throw on ankle weights for more of a challenge (an idea from Mama Deb, thank you very much!) I find the Lotte Berk methods to be the same.

BUT, when I took some time away from them for about a month, I was indeed amazed at how quickly my outer butt / saddlebag area got "jiggly" again.



I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage go to: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=202302&supid=166016627
OK, OK ladies, you have convinced me to work in the bar at least twice a week!}(

It really does stretch you out quite nicely for sure, and Lorrie, if you noticed a rise in the tush area (I have not yet, but I am not consistent with the Fluidity workout either), then I'm in!
You guys are right, don't you wish you could do it all?

Happy workouts!:7
> I will be purchasing the Fluidity bar very

I recommend NOT buying the optional lower body workout. It's pretty much the same exercises as in the advanced workout, but a bit shorter. Not worth the extra, IMO.

I have the Fluidity bar, and I think I'll get most use out of it with other tapes. I just did Lotte Berk "High Round Assets" on it yesterday, along with a couple of sets of pull-ups. Very nice and stable.

Other workouts you can use with the bar are the Barre Method and "Squeeze."

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