Flooring for home use.


New Member
I am looking for some sort of portable flooring or a flooring material which I could roll out and place beaneath me and my step when I use your videos.

I have been doing your videos for years and in the past year I have been having knee pain. I believe that part of the reason for this is because I workout on carpet.

Do you know of any residential flooring (short of installing wood flooring) that is relatively inexpensive?

Please advise ASAP.

Thank you,

Mary Alice Hamberg
[email protected]
Hi Mary Alice! I honestly don't know of a roll out portable floor. Perhaps you could ask someone at stagestep.com for assistance. I know that they give directions on how to build a subfloor for home use, so perhaps they will also have a suggestion for your roll out request. Good Luck and sorry I couldn't be of more help.
There are various flooring options available at this web-site:


The have a plyorobics pad 4' x 3 1/2' for around $45 and have some other options to cover a larger area.

You can request a catalog which also includes all sorts of fitness equipment. I cannot vouch for anything in the catalog yet, but I currently considering the options available in this catalog.


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