Floor exercises for the lower body


Could someone help me put a good lower body workout together using the floor work in Cathes videos? Would the floor workout in Pyramid Lower Body, Gym Styles and Butt and Gutts work the lower body good enough to substitute for squats and lunges. It seems like the hamstrings, adductors and abductors get worked pretty good but I really need to hit the thigh muscles better. Any suggestions would be helpful (I also have every Firm workout). Heard good things about Karen Voights lower body work in Great Weighted Workout but don't own it yet.

The one thing that floor work cannot do for you is place much weight upon the muscles and therefore upon the bones. The one thing Squats and lunges have going for them that floor work does not is more resistance, thus challenging the muscles more to grow more but also working harder to strengthen bone. You could lie on the floor and do leg lifts til Kingdom come, but it will never have the effect squats can. Squats and lunges also have the benefit of working several muscles at the same time, most floorwork targets a single area of the leg/glutes.

Sorry! This may not have been what you want to hear. Really, I think floor work is the icing on the cake. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, step ups, these are the cake itself. Sorry to disappoint.

Clare ;(
Do you have Kickmax? The leg conditioning drills are killer, IMO and the front kick drills really work your quads & hip flexors. Just curious, why are you looking for a substitute for lunges & squats? Is is knee issues? In answer to your last question, I rented the Great Wt'd Workout by KV from netflix and wasn't impressed.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Yes it is knee issues. I also heard that if you build up the Quad muscles that it would help with knee problems. I'm okay if I don't do to many so I think I will just do fewer reps or sets maybe just not go as deep. Thanks for your replys.

Hi Susan,

Building up the quads won't necessarily help with knee problems.

Knee issues are often the result of muscle imbalances - quads too strong in relation to hamstrings, adductors too strong in relation to abductors, etc.

Have you ever consulted a PT about your knees? A good one would be able to evaluate the problem and recommend exercises that could help fix it.


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