I got this book after reading about it on this thread... I love it! Really love her approach and the fact that she reinforces the "everything in moderation" principle. It's clear she believes that a vegetarian lifestyle promotes good health, but I like that to her, being more flexible about it (hence the title --> flexible + vegetarian = flexitarian) by allowing one self to eat meat occasionally in a thoughtful manner (much as one would eat a donut, for example--not something to have every day, but in you're really craving one, have one, enjoy it, then don't have one again for a while) makes for far less stress over one's eating.
As a perfectionist, I tend to have an all or nothing attitude. I approached vegetarianism in much the same manner--no wonder I kept disappointing myself and falling off the wagon all the time. The "cheating" would bother me so much and I'd think to myself, "Well that's the point, then?"
I only just finished the book, so now I'll be trying her recipes. I follow her on Twitter and Facebook, and she posted a recipe for a breakfast burrito the other day that I think I will try tonight (yes, a breakfast burrito for dinner LOL!). Yum! Just got some extra firm tofu, so I was looking for recipes for it. This'll be perfect.