

OK ladies, I need some input. I just purchased some flaxseed and I would love to know how everyone utilizes it. I know that I need to grind it, but I'm not sure the best thing to add it to. So, enlighten me please. Thank you. Phyllis

One more question. Should the flax be stored at room temp or frig? Thanks again!
Hi Phyllis,
I put mine in my protein shakes and my oatmeal. I use a tablespoon at a time. I love it. Also, make sure you grind only what you use for approximately a week and make sure you freeze the seeds. I freeze both the seeds and the ground seeds that I use. I put the ground ones in a small container, ground enough for about a week but keep it frozen. Flaxseed goes bad quickly if left out in room temp. Also, never buy it if its not already frozen or in a refrigerator.
I use the liquid form bought at wal-mart. I add 1T. to my oatmeal and cream of wheat. If I make a shake in the a.m., then I add it to that. I store it in the fridge.
I like to throw mine in pancakes, muffins, etc. I also like it in my oatmeal or on top of my cereal. A coffee grinder works great for grinding up the seeds.
I'm curious why you need to freeze the seeds and to buy only the ones that are refrigerated. I buy the seeds in bulk at Henry's (Wild Oats is the corporate, I think) but they are not refrigerated. I grind a bit at a time and keep the ground seeds in the refrigerator but I had never heard that I should keep the seeds in the freezer. I've never had any go bad, that I could tell. I don't really know how you could tell anyway. Debbie, Any further information you have would be appreciated!

I did grind them up with my magic bullet - very cool! I put them in the container with the shaker lid and stuck it in the freezer.

I think I will try it in my oatmeal and in my yogurt.

What is the calorie count for a tbsp of flax? Is it negligable?
I either buy the seeds and grind them or just buy the flaxseed meal. I refrigerate both. Don't know the calorie count but it is a great source of Omega-3 fat for us Vegans...:)..Carole
Here is what I've heard about flax seed, although I have yet to use it myself (I've got some, but haven't used it, yet):

If you have not used flax seed before, you should start out slowly. It is a wonderful cleansing food that detoxifies your system and will royally "clean your clock" if you aren't accustomed to it.

The lady who I talked to about it told me that a lot of people who have never used flax seed think that more is better and get very sick from using too much in the beginning. She said that you should start out small, then work your way up to larger quantities. I've got some ground flax seed in my fridge right now, and I think I will start using a half teaspoon at a time since I have tender intestines, anyway. If a half teaspoon doesn't bother me, I'll work up to a teaspoon and so forth.

This is just a word of caution from someone who's been given a word of caution from someone else.
I'll say I started with 1 Tablespoon, having never used flaxseed myself (after starting a vegan way of eating May 2004) with absolutely no ill affects and I have continued with 1 Tablespoon ever since...:)...Carole
Tracy, Flaxseed is an oil and becomes rancid very quickly. It needs to be cold when you buy it and hopefully it was kept cold on the trip to wherever it came from. Its just something that goes bad fast. If it smells strong, its bad. Thats all I know about it.
Thanks for all your input! I think I'll start today with a small amount,'cause I don't want a problem. I'll keep you posted. Phyllis
>I'm curious why you need to freeze the seeds and to buy only
>the ones that are refrigerated.

I don't think you need to freeze the seeds (but if you buy flax seed meal, then it should be kept in the freezer).

Flax oil can go rancid quickly, ground flax not as fast, but faster than whole, and whole flax is more stable. If you buy it packaged (usually with some inert gas in to keep oxygen out...which is what makes it go rancid), you don't have to buy it refrigerated.

I like to get golden flax (Now foods sells it). It has a nuttier taste than the regular brown stuff (and it's prettier!).

I mostly put mine in a daily smoothie, or sprinkle it on oatmeal, with some maple syrup.
Better to be safe than sorry. It's like salt...you can always add more if you need it, but you can't take it away once it's in there.
Thanks Kathryn. I buy the golden flax as well - I agree with you about the nuttier taste. My DH and I eat it on our salads every night and we both love the taste and 'effects':)


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