Flaxseed during pregnancy


Just wondered if any of you guys are using flaxseed during this pregnancy or have done so with a previous pregnancy. I read conflicting reports about flaxseed so I'm unsure what to do.

Also, if you are using it, did your doctor recommend it or have any comments about it.

Good question! I have no clue, but have wondered this also. I can't imagine that it can do any harm, but I would never touch anything unless I knew for sure. Anyone?
When not pregnant, I take flaxseed, but my OB specifically told me not to take flaxseed, or any other herbs or supplements (other than my prenatal vitamin), during my pregnancy. Obviously this is a very conservative opinion, but his reasoning was that there is just no research on the impact of many supplements on a growing, differentiating fetus(and that my cholesterol, for which I take flaxseed in the first place, would be wacko during pregnancy anyway) and that it's just safer not to take anything unless absolutely necessary.

So I guess I would say, as always, talk to your doctor about it and get his or her input before you take anything like this. Just as well to be safe.
I took it during my second pregnancy, and don't belive it caused an problems whatsoever. My son was perfectly healthy, and good size, born naturally (I even went into labor myself, a change form teh first time when I needed to be induced) and very quickly, 3 days early (perfect in my book). I was never constipated, but then again, I wasn't the first time either, and didn't take it that time. Anyway, I can think of no ill effects whatsoever, and personally believe the EFA's helped my hormones for the better.
I do not take flaxseed but do take a variety of other vitamins and supplements (some on lieu of medication) and I am 26 weeks pregnant. The BEST advice I ever got regarding supplements was to KNOW YOUR COMPANY. I take Shaklee because they also have a list of supplements that they WON'T make (i.e. Kava kava). They do not have a flaxseed supplement but I'm not sure if it's because they don't believe in it or because they feel another company covers that area really well.

I would be happy to e-mail them for you! Still, I would not only ask your doctor about it but specifically ask him/her to what extent they themselves have studied in this area. Shaklee has been around since the 50's and is an essentially science/research company. Also, they will send you their research if you want it (which I did initially to give to my allergist). Actually, they FDA has requested to meet with them quarterly to begin discussions on setting standards in the area of vitamins and supplements. Oh, all their products are food based, non-synthetic, no articifical colors or flavors, no animal testing (human trials only), no herbicides, pesticides...I could go on. I have credited their products with allowing me to get pregant comfortably because I was able to manage severe allergies for which I took 5 drugs a day for six years and now take NO medication.

Oh, this was also important for me to know too. The FDA told Shaklee that even if the FDA set standards for the vitamin/supplement industry, it would not be to the degree that Shaklee holds themselves accountable! To me that means that as long as I use their products, I don't care if they are monitored by the FDA or not.

Hope this helps and let me know if you want me to e-mail them!
Are we on the same wavelength, or what?

I am also a die-hard Shaklee gal! I also really like that even if it's their best-selling product, Shaklee will take it off the market if they are not happy with the crop they have to produce it. They do not release such products again until they find the quality materials they are looking for! (i.e. Ginseng was taken off the market once because of not finding a good pesticide-free crop. The toothpaste was discontinued years ago, because of the eggshell powder~I don't know what it was, but it was unsatisfactory to them. Both products are back now, and I TRUST them!) (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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