Flax Seed Ideas?

This all sounds good, I would like to try this. Just wanted to know the benefits of using flax seeds. Thanks
Flax is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids (the kind of fat that is deficient in most American diets, and that are also found in fish.).

As I posted earlier, chia seeds have the same benefits, but they don't go rancid the way flax can. Also, some researchers are starting to question the benefits of flax, especially since the lignans in flax act as phytoestrogens. Here's a sample article about chia vs. flax that discusses this : http://www.highonhealth.org/why-chia-seed-is-a-healthier-option-than-flax-seed/
You can buy ground flaxseed (which I do now-- I learned my lesson with buying them whole :eek:).
I think it's better to buy whole and grind your own. Just like it's better to buy whole apples rather than buy those already chopped up (where air and light exposure can hasten oxidation). It really doesn't take that long to grind up a bunch of flax seeds, and if one really doesn't like to take the time, you can grind up a cup or two once a week and keep it in the fridge.
I bought the grounded flax seed at the health food store and put about a tlbs. of it in my smoothie. Tasted good. I was going to have the 21/2 tlbs. but it is 6 grams of fat so opted for just 1 tlbs. Thanks for the tip! Lori
Flax is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids (the kind of fat that is deficient in most American diets, and that are also found in fish.).

As I posted earlier, chia seeds have the same benefits, but they don't go rancid the way flax can. Also, some researchers are starting to question the benefits of flax, especially since the lignans in flax act as phytoestrogens. Here's a sample article about chia vs. flax that discusses this : http://www.highonhealth.org/why-chia-seed-is-a-healthier-option-than-flax-seed/

I am still waiting for the day that researchers say we got it all wrong and broccoli is in fact bad for us. :eek:

From personal experience I have to disagree that flax seed raises estrogen levels. My estrogen levels were at 841 and after 3 months of taking ground flax seeds and being re-tested my estrogen levels were at 440, basically cut in half. I am taking flax seeds for particularly that reason, to keep my estrogen levels low so I don't have to take estrogen inhibitor drugs.

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