Flat Abs


New Member
I love Cathe and admire her body and TV workouts.

I am a personal trainer, but I do not have Cathe's abs. What can I do? Is it the training, genes or what? I am 48 years old.
I think it's about body fat and a ton of dedication. To have a 6 pack you have to have little to no fat on your abdomen in order to see the muscles. Some people are genetically pre-disposed to storing fat on the abdomen so it may mean you have to have little body fat at all to even see them.
ok, here's the ?, how do you get rid of the fat? I have some extra that i DO NOT want. It just showed up a few months ago...
a very clean diet:

try eating raw foods. it's low fat, healthy and bursting with enzymes/life force. raw fruit, vegetables, greens, nuts, seeds & sprouts. just don't starve yourself- eat a good amount of all these raw goodies and get creative.

you can make banana icecream with bananas alone. just freeze them overnight and blend in the morning- add a couple walnuts and agave nectar for the topping.

make a green smoothie with spinach and lots of fruit- especially pineapple and orange/tangerine- you won't even taste the greens.

make a huge salad with all your favorite veggies and make a delicious dressing with tomatoe, apple cider vinegar, cold pressed olive oil, sea salt and pepper to taste. add a bit of avocado if you'd like.

be light on the nuts and seeds- just a few a day and you'll see results if you're working out as well.

if you want you can lightly steam broccoli or aspargus and enjoy that with raw lasagna.
super easy to make:

eating this way should bring you to your ideal weight, better health and be a fun and new experience. you may even get those flat abs you seek.
How to get rid of the fat? It depends on how bad you want a six pack. Again, you have to have LITTLE TO NO FAT on your abdomen. If you're genetically prone to storing fat on the abdomen, as opposed to the arms, legs, etc., then this will be harder for you though not impossible. Losing fat/calories is a simple mathematical equation - burn more than you eat. People have made fortunes telling you how to do this. The bottom line - eat less. Be hungry sometimes. The only way to really lose weight, especially if you're already thin and don't need to lose a ton - is to eat smaller amounts and lose weight. The reason cathe f is so thin is because she probably burns 2000 calories a day, at least. She has little fat because she burns more than she consumes.

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