FitTv.....Is it just me?

I'm sure FitTV has done some market research and some asking of opinions on what viewers want (remember that Cathe posted a request for suggestions for FitTV on the "Ask Cathe" forum a while ago). Unfortunately, most viewers probably like the non-workout shows, and prefer shows like the ones that are on now.

I admit I will have FitTV on in the background, but I've rarely "worked out" with it (except a couple of times when I just had to join Gilad!), but I prefer the workout shows. I do also like the "housecalls" show (though how many times do they repeat them? THAT'S what bugs me: even if you see a non-workout show you like, they keep repeating the same episodes over and over!). I also liked the "10 years younger" series, but I couldn't care less about most of the "spa" shows (I think they should dump them, and replace them with a weekly (that changes every week) "what's new in health and fitness" show that takes the type of segments that are the best parts of them (about 20%) and combines them into one, 1/2 hour show. And shows like "the Extremists" and the shows on military training don't interest me at all, though I like some of the shows on people who are changing their exercise and diets to achieve some goal (though, again, too many are repeated).

In a way, maybe not liking most of what's on FitTV is a good thing, because it gives us more time to workout and less time in front of the tube!
Now I am going to have to watch Fit Cuisine just to watch the guy slobber all over himself when he speaks. LOL!
I also like the 10 years younger series and Carribean workout. Although I have only watched Carribean workout as I think it usually comes on too early for me and I prefer Cathe anyhow. Gotta save my energy for Cathe cuz that is where it is at!


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