fitnessfreak, please give advice


Hi, i've noticed you are well respected and extremely knowledgeable on this forum. so i would like to know your opinion on a few things. any others who would like to reply, i would appreciate that too. i would like to lean out a bit. i'm pretty happy with my muscle size. my upper body, soulders especially, build easily. so what do you think of these 2 rotations for this goal.
rotation 1:
monday- GS chest and tri with 30 min cardio intervals on treadmill
tuesday-GS legs or another leg video
wednesday-GS back, bi, and shoulders with 30 min cardio
thursday- cardio only (imax2, kpc, cardio fusion, etc.)
friday-circuit workout
rotation 2:
monday-full body or circuit
tuesday-45 min cardio, either run, or cathe
wedensday-lower body workout
thrusday-cardio, 45 min something different than tues

what do you think? i do love full body's and circuits but i thought mabe the first rotation provides a little bit of both a regular split and circuit/full body. but since my upper develops easily i thought the second rotation would be good. i know to lean out, diet is esential. so one last question is diet related. what is your take of 6 meals a day? i'm reading now that 3 meals is just as good as long as cals are in check and some people don't do well on 6. what are your thoughts? thanks
I think rotation 1 would be good to do. Keep building. Diet is essential. I eat 6-7 times a day faithfully and when summer began I cut my carbs down to 120 g. a day from around 180 g. I use 180 g. in the fall/winter when I try to gain more muscle and bulk up a bit. In the summer I like to cut back and lose some of the body fat and get cut. This worked well for me this summer.

There is another thread going on right now on this rotation forum, it's titled "FAO Fitness Freak", in it I put my foods in for a weight training day. Maybe that will help you. It is important to know what you are eating each day - i.e. calories, fats, carbs, proteins. I train like a bodybuilder and I eat like one as well. If you're not that obsessed as I am, then just watch the kinds of carbs you are eating and restrict them to only a.m. eats and maybe early afternoon. After about 3 p.m. you should cut carbs out totally if you can.

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