Fitnessfreak, another question...


I apologize for being a complete pain in the you know what...but (no pun intended) here goes...

First I love the beg/inter/advance rotations. As a somewhat newbie here, I don't have most of Cathe's videos so I have tried to put together something from the generic version. I have NO idea what I'm doing here with the dvds I havex(...Can you help me????
Here is what I do have:

Hardcore series:
All except the Gym Styles, which I could still order...I only held off because the beginner rotations didn't use them...

Basic Step, Body Fusion, and Low Impact

I also ordered the new dvds, although I'm not sure they will be a fitness level I could do yet, at least not all the way through.

Thank you so much for everything you've already did. And again, I apologize for the pain in the rumpus I am...

Carrie - I haven't had a whole lot of time to do up rotations lately. The ones I do I put a generic breakdown at the end, maybe you could just use workouts you have in place of the ones you don't on the rotation? Would that help? Let me know.

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