Hi Debbie,
I'm hoping you can help me understand something about working abs. I used to work out with a PT 3x per week for a few months (about 3 or 4 years ago). I used to do ab work (along with strength & some cardio) pretty much to failure each time. I can remember having some serious DOMS after most sessions and am wondering why I don't feel it like that anymore. He did alot of the exercises that are in Cathe's videos (roll ins, pikes, ball passes, crunches, oblique crunches, etc.), but, like I said earlier, til failure as opposed to a set number of reps. He also did alot of ab work with cables, too. What are your thoughts about working abs to failure? I am just wrapping up your Get Ready for Summer '07 rotation and don't usually feel any DOMS for abs the next day.
P.S....I definitely lost a few inches with this routine!! My upper body is really coming along as well as the lower body...Just have to get those abs tightened up...I know, I know it's all about the diet ;-)
Take care,
I'm hoping you can help me understand something about working abs. I used to work out with a PT 3x per week for a few months (about 3 or 4 years ago). I used to do ab work (along with strength & some cardio) pretty much to failure each time. I can remember having some serious DOMS after most sessions and am wondering why I don't feel it like that anymore. He did alot of the exercises that are in Cathe's videos (roll ins, pikes, ball passes, crunches, oblique crunches, etc.), but, like I said earlier, til failure as opposed to a set number of reps. He also did alot of ab work with cables, too. What are your thoughts about working abs to failure? I am just wrapping up your Get Ready for Summer '07 rotation and don't usually feel any DOMS for abs the next day.
P.S....I definitely lost a few inches with this routine!! My upper body is really coming along as well as the lower body...Just have to get those abs tightened up...I know, I know it's all about the diet ;-)
Take care,