
Hi Debbie,

I'm hoping you can help me understand something about working abs. I used to work out with a PT 3x per week for a few months (about 3 or 4 years ago). I used to do ab work (along with strength & some cardio) pretty much to failure each time. I can remember having some serious DOMS after most sessions and am wondering why I don't feel it like that anymore. He did alot of the exercises that are in Cathe's videos (roll ins, pikes, ball passes, crunches, oblique crunches, etc.), but, like I said earlier, til failure as opposed to a set number of reps. He also did alot of ab work with cables, too. What are your thoughts about working abs to failure? I am just wrapping up your Get Ready for Summer '07 rotation and don't usually feel any DOMS for abs the next day.

P.S....I definitely lost a few inches with this routine!! My upper body is really coming along as well as the lower body...Just have to get those abs tightened up...I know, I know it's all about the diet ;-)

Take care,
Hi Trish,
Wow, working your abs until failure? I don't think I could do that. I think I'd puke! LOL!

I only work my abs about twice a week with Cathe's DVD's. I only get sore if I haven't done a certain move or if I haven't worked my abs in over a week. Other than that, I just don't get sore there. I think that is quite common.

My suggestion is if you want to get that sore, do the exercises you were doing with your trainer. Especially if you seen good results.

Diet is the main key to ab definition, though.
Thanks Debbie. I have to tell you, sometimes I did feel like puking...although back then I couldn't do a ton of reps anyway. The workout was effective, but it was just one component of the whole training so, I am not sure how much to attribute to it. Anyway, I just wanted your input on it :) I'll probably just add a few more reps and keep on the diet. My abs are getting better, just taking longer than the other body parts or at least it seems that way.

Btw, I've totally stolen your slogan about getting your mind right. I am constantly saying it to anyone that asks me about working out..LOL. }(

Trish, Abs are a funny thing. Last summer I had a six pack (ok, a four pack), this year I'm so fluffy in that area it isn't funny. And nothing has changed. Age contributes to leanness as well. It gets harder the older we get. As frustrating as that sounds, its true.

Once I start cutting out the carbs my abs seem to pop. I'm just having a hard time getting rid of the carbs right now. :)

I'm glad you are liking my rotation by the way!

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