Fitness vs. Body Building

Dear Cathe,

First let me briefly say that you are truly a fitness champion. Your workouts never cease to leave me sore and challenged, (the good sore) and I love it. I always know I'm getting pushed to my limits with you. You're the best!

I have a question. Do the rules of proper form and body positioning change for heavy body building? I'm a real stickler for good form, i.e. no knees over toes, back straight, knees bent, etc; however, my beau says that the rules for heavy lifting (which is what he does) are different. We are always debating this. Can you help? Thanks!!

Sincerely, Tina Pellicone
Hi Tina! I'm not about to get between you and your beau ;-)

I like to practice good form all the time regardless of training styles, however, what your beau has said is not new news to me. I know many body builders who "break" traditional safety rules as the general public has come to know them (ie: use excessive momentum, squat way down just shy of sitting on their heels during squats, hold their breath while straining with weight, arch their backs on bench press, don't work with full range of motion, and much more.

I have no idea if your beau does any of this or not, and I am not trying to be accusatory by any means. I am simply saying that I know many body builders who do these things and are very fine with it and feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

It doesn't feel good to me to train in this manner so I choose to stick with what works for me:)

Take Care!

:) WOW!! I'm so excited that you responded!! I must admit, I'm a little star-struck. :) I hear what you're saying, and I'm with you!! Thanks so much for responding and so promptly, too. I respect your opinion greatly; for I am humbled by you and your athleticism every workout. Thanks again.

I have heard that most serious bodybuilders do care about form. Powerlifters however, are only concerned with lifting the heaviest possible by all means, thus not using what we call proper form.
Just wanted to mention my DH (before I met him) was into serious heavy lifting. It was all fine and dandy then but now he is 36 and starting to pay for his bad form or lifting too heavy. He is constanly having back and knee problems which he says where caused by lifting too much weight (and sometimes sacrificing form) during squats, deadlifts and bench presses. Just because it feels ok to your Beau now does not mean his body will feel the same as he ages.

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