Fitness Tape Rotation


Hi Everyone,

It is Anna here, and I am wondering if anyone can explain the ins and outs of tape rotation, and why it is done ? I am new here on the forum.

Many thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, and welcome!
I think the concept behind rotations is that it is a method for providing some focus to your work outs and organizing your schedule to achieve specific goals. The idea of rotations has become increasingly popular with the proliferation of videos and home workout options--the choices can be bewildering! So. many people on this and other forums share "rotations" for using specific videos in a specific order, just as a way to achieve certain personal goals, which as we know vary tremendously from person to person, and even for each individual, goals shift and change depending on whim, what your body is telling you, and even the season!

I've used rotations sporadically for years. I go through periods where I just want to wake up each morning and see what my mind/body feels like doing, so a fixed rotation schedule is the last thing that interests me. On the other hand, I've had periods where I've read about someone's success with a certain rotation--doing certain types of videos or workouts in a certain sequence--and I decide to try that for a while.

IMO, rotations are really all about sharing ideas about what works and what offers results. And the fun factor is a big thing too; what kind of workouts might appeal to you personally -- in other words, something that you might actually ENJOY doing!! I hope this makes some sort of sense. I'm sure others will chime in! ;-)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-02 AT 04:45AM (Est)[/font][p]To rotate your video library, is it better to do say 1 hour on Monday of cardio, and then on Tuesday, 1 hour of body conditioning/strength training, Wednesday have a rest day, Thursday do 1 hour of cardio, Friday do 1 hour of body conditioning, Saturday becomes your designated treat day (a very good suggestion from Honeybunch), and Sunday could be strength training and PIlates ? How does that sound ?
Is it perfectly acceptable to do more than an hour per day ?
Quite often I like to do body conditioning after a cardio workout, because I love exercising !
How much is too much ?

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