Fitness goals for Feb and how do you plan on achieving?


Hi, all:

Just curious as we are nearing the end of the month... is anyone thinking about their goals for Feb and how they plan to achieve them? Or do most folks here wait for Cathe's suggested rotation?

Just curious about what you want to achieve and how you plan to do it. (Hoping for some ideas!)

I am waiting to see ifCathe posts a Februaury rotation. If she doesn't, I really want to focuson adding a bit of muscle. This month was a bit more cardio oriented.
In February I plan on increasing my weight training, both in frequency and intensity. I ordered the Slow & Heavy series, which will be here Monday (plus Hardcore should be coming soon!).

Yesterday I did PUB & PLB. Today I'm doing Imax 2. Tomorrow I rest.

Monday I will implement S&H into my rotation. I'm planning on doing 2 body parts per day, and doing cardio 4-5 times per week. Pilates will also become a regular part of my workout starting next week. I just purchased a few different Pilates DVDs to see what I like.

I'll be going to Florida in 4 weeks -- great incentive to workout hard this month!

I look forward to hearing what others are planning for February.

Marla G.:D
RE: Fitness goals for Feb and how do you plan on achiev...

Hi Marie,

First of all, I love your quote. Hear! Hear!

I love reading Cathe rotations, as I learn from them. But I almost always set my own goals and make my own rotations -- usually I do it week by week, since my main goal is to focus on health, and because I am in my 50's, I want to stimulate that Growth Hormone via exercise. Thus, I stress not only weights and cardio, but intensity in both. Anaerobics and plyometrics do this. Keeping this in mind, I usually do my rotation week by week -- as my life also changes week by week, and how much time I can devote to exercise, family, career and church.

And, by the way, what a good question.;-)

Hope you have fun in your plan.:D
RE: Fitness goals for Feb and how do you plan on achiev...

Hi Marie, during February I will be doing the January rotation. I love follow the Cathe's rotation and copy the rotation he post each month. My goal during this month is improve my eating. My sweet thooth is terrible.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
RE: Fitness goals for Feb and how do you plan on achiev...

Hi Marie,

Me goals are to lower my body fat and build some muscle. I also need to clean up my diet. I have been dining out quite a bit, so I am going to cut that down to Friday nights only. I will focus on the S&H series until HC arrives. I think I am definitely more motivated knowing that summer will be here before I know it. Plus the excitement of the new series is there!

HI all,

I just don't know which rotation I'll make during February- I'm waiting for Cathe's rotation and if she'll not post it I am lost. Perhaps Muscle Endurance rotation or 4 day Split.

I'll wait till tomorrow and will decide.

Marketa Preisler
If there is not Feb rotation, i think i'll go back and to the Leg's roatation from a few months back. I liked it a lot!

I normally use up all of January leaning out after the holiday excess. This year it's taking longer for me to reach my goal. I'm going to spend the first two weeks of February still leaning out -- early morning cardio 4-5 times a week, each session limited to about 40-45 minutes, then the afternoons weight training two body parts a day, also 40-45 minutes.

Hopefully I'll have the HC Series by mid-February so I can start weight training then, all the way to mid-April probably. My body was at its finest when I alternated a pure strength week with an endurance week and limited my cardio to 2-3 times a week only. I think I'll follow this pattern for a while, that is, after I take care of the flab, about one more pound of it.

Hi, ladies!

Thanks all for your responses. I have been thinking a lot about what my goals are... it is very motivating to see that other people like me have them, too. I don't have a lot of the Cathe DVDs yet... I have L&G/KPC, Terminator, and the Intensity Series. I am trying to hold off on buying anything else until I have done all of the workouts at least a few times, LOL.

I am 5'7, about 128 pounds (down from 132 at the beg of Jan). I have been working out with weights for a few years so I have a lot of muscle in my upper body, and my legs are strong but you don't see a lot of definition. My core s***s! I have two kids so I have excess skin and some stretchy stuff and I just hate it. Enough to have consulted with a plastic surgeon last year - I may get an abdominoplasty at the end of this year, but I want to see how far I can get with a much more intense program of exercise than the freestyle I was doing in the gym. I love to lift, but I can be lazy. :)

Ok... long story short, I want to continue building muscle (particularly lower body) and want to focus on core strength for the month of February. I need to be patient instead of trying to do everything at one time. ;-) Hmm, I may have to buy one of the ab DVDs....or maybe pilates? I don't know, I will do some research and hope one of you knowledgeable ladies will lead me in the right direction!

Today I am doing L&G, which is possibly my favorite workout ever. I am always grunting loudly by the end.

}( }(

Take care,
RE: Fitness goals for Feb and how do you plan on achiev...

Hi, Karen:

I have a question for you. I thought "anaerobic" meant work that is not at aerobic intensity (i.e., cardio)... in other words, strength/muscle work. But you reference it as something else. Do you mind sharing your definitions for the different components of an effective program?

Thanks so much for your help...


PS: I love that quote, too. :)
Well, I achieved my first goal already (even though it's not QUITE February). I wanted to get back on track with my workouts after being off for basically a week. I have had a cold and was starting to feel like, "eh...I don't feel like working out today". So I was nervous that I was gonna become a slug. But...I kept telling myself all day that I wanted to workout and I did Step, Jump, Pump when I got home and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Funny how a week off can really re-energize you! Except..I kept falling asleep during "24". Thank goodness for the DVR!
I've been lifting heavy for a while, and love it. But I don't push myself hard enough in my endurance training. That's why I bought Cathe. I like to change up my routine every 14 days for right now to keep shocking my body. So, I'm starting the first 14 days with Cathe (will probably follow the January rotation), then the next 14 days will be back to heavy lifting on my own.

I've discovered that the reason I can't do a lot of pushups on my toes, isn't because my upper body is weak, as much as it is my core that is weak! I'm loving Cathe's core work. My goal is to be able to do 3 sets of 8-10 reps of pushups on my toes by the end of the month. Currently, I can only do one set of 8.

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