Fitness Freak



I know how super busy you are and how you so wonderfully put together rotations for people. Recently I have had a lot going on (no excuses I know) and have gained about 12 lbs which I would like to lose about 10 of them. I have a wedding which I am in coming up and I know that I can lose once I put my mind too it but I am thinking if I had a rotation personally made I would be MUCH more inclined to do since the time was put in to thinking about it. :) I do build muscle fairly quickly and feel as though my body responds better to more cardio. I do also like to workout intensely (not as much lately) but need to get back :). I am 28 y/o and don't normally lift super heavy but when I do Cathes weight work lift about 5 lbs less than she normally does. Anything you think that will give me great results!! I so greatly would appreciate if you could put something together for me and would love to give you GREAT results back..

I appreciate your time!!!

Well, I don't have much time to create rotations anymore. If you can maybe do one up for yourself and I'll give you my opinion on it, I can do that. I've done that with several on this forum and it seems to work out well.

Keep it with 4 weight training days and 2 cardio days, 1 rest day. Or if you want to do more cardio, 3 weight training days, 3 cardio, 1 rest.
S- spin class and ME or MIS
M- full body power hour
t- his and maybe yoga
w- pub
t- plb
f- st blast
s- rest

s- spin and me or mis
m- kpc
t- bikram yoga
t-bm2 upper body double
f- im extreme
s- active rest

s- spin or run
m- full body at gym
t- his + im3 premix blast only
w- upper body ?
t- B&G pm leg blast
s-active rest

s- spin or ellip
m-full body at gym
t- yoga
w- mm
t- he (the all cardio one)
f- CF (pm 60 min or less)

I can't thank you enough for looking at this!
Eriniski - Ok, got a couple questions. What is:


What do they stand for? Also, does im extreme mean Imax extreme?

Also what does the bikram yoga consist of? Is it pure yoga or does it use weights?

And what do you mean by "active rest"?

What are your goals?

Ally - Hi girl! Thanks!
THANK YOU for responding!!!!
HIS- High Intensity Step from 4Day split
HE- Hardcore Extreme
CF- Cardio Fusion

I pretty much have the whole collection of cathe and also have access to a gym. Bikram Yoga is yoga that consists of 26 postures that you hold for a minute first set and 30 seconds second set in 100 degree heat. Active rest meaning like a walk or rollerblading if nice out.

My goals are to completely tone up and lose about 10 lbs. (recently have gained) (the weight I gained is mostly on my lower half)

Thanks! I'm excited to see what you can put together.

Ok, Week one, two and three look good. However, for Week 1, Sunday, stick with a cardio workout, no full body because you will be doing a full body workout the next day. For Week 2, Sunday, do full body, no cardio because you will be doing cardio the next day.

Week 4 do this:

S, M, T, ok
Wed.: CTX upper body split
Thur., ok
Fri.: L&G

Any ?'s, please ask.

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