Hello Debbie
I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions. I appreciate you're very busy and everybody wants your advice, but here goes.
I often read your posts on the Hardcore Fitness Thread as well as the other ladies and you're all very dedicated and knowledgeable.
I noticed on todays post you stated you prepare your meals on the Sunday. Do you also prepare your BSN Lean Desserts then? You stated you make it with yoghurt. Would you recommend that as a way of getting your whey intake. The reason I ask is that I've just found a supplier in the uk and I've ordered a couple of tubs, the Choc Fudge an the Banana bread. Is it better with yoghurt?
Also I read on an earlier post you've read BFFM by Tom Venuto. I've also read his book and have to agree its excellent. I joined his inner circle for a time and found it very good. I may go back to that.
Also can I say you look very good for 42. I'm forty this year and I hope I look as well as healthy as you sometime soon.
Thanks again for all your advice.
I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions. I appreciate you're very busy and everybody wants your advice, but here goes.
I often read your posts on the Hardcore Fitness Thread as well as the other ladies and you're all very dedicated and knowledgeable.
I noticed on todays post you stated you prepare your meals on the Sunday. Do you also prepare your BSN Lean Desserts then? You stated you make it with yoghurt. Would you recommend that as a way of getting your whey intake. The reason I ask is that I've just found a supplier in the uk and I've ordered a couple of tubs, the Choc Fudge an the Banana bread. Is it better with yoghurt?
Also I read on an earlier post you've read BFFM by Tom Venuto. I've also read his book and have to agree its excellent. I joined his inner circle for a time and found it very good. I may go back to that.
Also can I say you look very good for 42. I'm forty this year and I hope I look as well as healthy as you sometime soon.
Thanks again for all your advice.