Fitness Buddies Check-In



I got my 4 oz. glasses of water in 5 out of 7 days. I had two stressful days from which I gained 5 lbs. So I didn't track my water consumption. I was eating so much to block out the stress! Guess what? Now I have more! Well, back on the wagon again.

I did notice that drinking water helped keep me full. The water has to be really cold so I can get it down. Has anyone ever had to drink 40oz (catch up) before bed? Not easy! :O) Felt like a lil fishy!

How did you two do?

Now its time to add a new goal. What are we going to do this week Larysa, since you were the first to respond to my request?

Helen Z
Good week for water-

I've done really well for water this week. I think the heat may have had something to do with it. Monday I went for a walk, and I did notice it was hot, but when I went home I found out it was 100 degrees. Scary, huh? Well, I drank over a gallon of water that day, not including my coffee and diet soda. I thought I was amazingly thirsty that day, but really, it probably isn't excessive, given the circumstances. As for food, I haven't done as well. One of the specialty stores here is having its annual sale, and the prices are too good. I bought a bunch of cookies and chocolate, and, well, much of it is gone. Oh well, just need to remember not to do that again (the salw goes on for the rest of the month).
keeping water cold

I freeze half a bottle of water and add the rest in the morning before work. There is usually an ice cube in there until I finish it. If you are going to be outside where it is hot, just freeze the whole bottle. I have to have my water, and every drink for that matter, ice cold.
Great Job!


A gallon of water in a day! And I thought I felt like a lil fishy! Great Job Belinda! Don't worry about the slip, I'm in the same boat and I understand. Thats the point of this check-in,to learn how to deal with such situations and handle set-backs. Right? :O)

Great idea Andrea! I'll have to try that this week. How far are you along and how are you feeling this week?

New Goal


Blinda, why don't you set a new goal for us. Hopefully, Larysa will post today and catch up with us. If there isn't a new goal posted by 12:00, I'll post one since I am committed to this one change a week plan.

Helen Z
I'm here guys!

Sorry, yesterday was the day from hell, schools out and the kids were bouncing off the walls! Well, my week wasn't as good as I hoped for. Tried to drink at least 4 glasses a day, missed one day altogether, drank mostly coffee and pop. I really like adding a lemon wedge to my water, gives it some zing. My problem is that I like to snack later in the evening, and since I did not drink water after 6:00 (didn't want to get up at night), I was still snacking on chips, ice cream, candy..... Looking forward to this weeks' new goal. Looks like its going to be from you, Helen.

Hi Helen!

Got my half frozen bottle with me now. Left it at the restaurant yesterday at lunch and knew I couldn't live without it, so went back and got it.
I'm not sure how far along I am. Haven't seen my doc yet, and don't know if they start counting from the first day of your last period, or the next week, since it is nearly impossible to get preggo that week. 6 or 7 weeks I guess. Feeling a tad bit better this week.

Strategy Week


It seems like we all have major setbacks in certain areas. Why don't we try to maintain our personal water goals and brain storm about our personal health weaknesses.

BLinda, can find a new route that will keep you away from that cookie/chocolate place? Do you care to confess the name? Maybe someone is creative enough to come up with an unapetizing slogan you can repeat to yourself. What do you think would work?

Andrea, I do think you have maternal instincts toward that frozen water bottle! :O) Keep it up! There is a current health magazine out. I think it is Let's Live (GNC)that addresses morning sickness with things such as ginger candy, B6 50 mg 3 times a day, and calcium supplements. Read the article and check with the doc if that is something that could help you.

Larysa-I didn't make my water goal every day. Thats not the point. How many days did you make? Probably, more than the previous week. So, your a Success! Can you make yourself frozen juice pops and get your water that way? Blush...I always assume the tinkle position before bed even if I don't have to usually works...Blush.

I'm a stress eater. I haven't figured out what to do yet. Can we all brainstorm and try to figure out ideas? Humor and wackiness acceptable. Whatever works.


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