Fit TV rotations


This may ,or may not, seem like a silly question but: I have been working out with Cathe DVD's for a year now. Though I've only got four of her DVD's
( KPC, Low Max, Step-Jump-Pump ,and IMax 2 ) I often rely on the Fit TV work outs ( at 6:00pm where I am from ) to get more variety until I purchase more DVDs. Question: Are the rotations of Cathe work outs on Fitv TV just random - IE: Just thrown in , or are they 'thought out' so as to create muscle confusion. The reason I ask, is that last week there were quite a few step work outs, ( which I LOVE ) and this week I noticed quite a bit of weight segments, ( Pyramid Upper and Lower Body ) not to mention every Monday is Stretch and Core. Would this be the normal type rotation that you would suggest or is the idea to do a hard core cardio segment one day, then a weight segment the next day, cardo again the day after, so on and so on. I feel like if I am doing three 'step' work-outs in a row, I'm focusing on lower body TOO much and ignoring upper body.
Any advice / suggestions ?
Hi Morgs!
I first discovered Cathe on FitTV and that was how I got my Cathe workouts in until I started buying her DVD's. I'm not sure but I think the workouts are just "thrown together" and not planned out as a rotation. I just got the feeling they weren't set up as rotations just from doing them daily and realizing that sometimes there was upper body work back to back, or step three days in a row like you mentioned, etc. What I started doing was taping the workouts so I could start doing them in any order I pleased. Do you have a VCR? Maybe you can start video-taping.

As for rotations, it really depends on your goals and preferences. If you're concerned with not getting enough upper body, just throw in the upper body work from SJ&P during the week in between your cardio or on days where you feel like you just did step & lower body from FitTV and now you want some upper body.

I was so happy Stretchmax was on today! I don't have that one on DVD and took advantage of doing it on FitTV this morning. It felt great!!

Hope this helps! :)
they are just random routines. i try to do weights monday wednesday and friday. cardio on tuesday and thursday. saturday cardio and weights. sunday is a rest day.:)
Fit TV Routines

Thank you both for your responses. I pretty much thought that they were just 'thrown in' based on certain weeks that have the 'same works outs 'in them. I too enjoy the Stretch Max segments ( I try to catch the core max as well ) because I do not have them on DVD either. I think Taping them is a great idea. ( guess I never thought of that :eek:) However, I did notice in the rotations thread, I saw some older rotations that cathe threw in with Step, Jump & Pump, and also the KPC dvd's. I know they are sort of old school, but I'm still trying to catch up on everything. I've only been doing Cathe work outs for little over a year. ( I did Tae Boe before that and it really didn't push me as much as Cathe does ) Once I do see a good segment comming up on Fit TV, I always opt for that one ( Boot camp comming up on the 10th !! ) I also think the Mon., Wed., Friday weights & Tues and Sat cardio is an excellent idea. Just needed a few suggestions until I get more Cathe DVD's in my collection. Thanks again !!

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